Wednesday, April 23, 2008

XIE XIE (Thank You) Aussie Chinese for your show of support in Canbrerra in the spirit of May 4th w/red flags drowning out Team Tibet-Dolly-Shangri-la

Over 10,000 Aussie Chinese learned from London, Paris, and San Francisco, and succeeded in protecting the torch.

"Xie Xie."

"Jia You ! Jia You"

According to Reuters news, "....thousands of Chinese chanting "One China" packed the start and finish of the torch relay in the Australian capital.
"This is a magnificent day for us today to show that Australia can have a peaceful rally. Watching overseas protests, I felt shamed that they can behave like that," Wellington Lee from the Victorian (state) Chinese Association told Reuters.

The massive turn-out of over 10,000 who mobilized in Canbrerra and all over Australia in support the Olympics torch relay drowned out TEAM TIBET-DOLLY-SHANGRI-LA.

Thanks to net mobilization and the spirit of May 4th, 1919.

And more from Canbrerra and the news about the the Aussie leg of the torch relay, click on:

Here are some photos of the Canbrerra torch in a sea of Red Flags protecting the torch:

On to the next torch relay stop. And to our Japanese friends, we say:

" Be Respectful; and don't be like the Western boors -- vulgar, uncivil, and full of hubris."

"And don't "Bash China" and "Demonize the Chinese people."

"Don't be like the French and Parisians."

" And Absolutely don't be like San Franciscans - dumb, ignorant, and don't even know where TIBET is on the map, yet screaming "Free Tibet" Click on YouTube below on Ground Zero in San Francisco with the Pro-Tibet protest San Francisco "dummies."

"Learn from the Aussies."

"Thank you, Premier Kevin Rudd, the only Western leader who speaks Chinese."