Monday, April 14, 2008


CHINESE netizens inside and outside of China are mobilizing in the internet and they are outraged by the China Bashing and Demonization happening in the WEST.

The stirrings among China's youths are being felt not just inside China but in Taiwan and elsewhere in the overseas diasporic communities where there are Chinese emigrants and descendants of the Yellow Emperor.

The backlash is on all over the internet by Chinese bloggers and netizens inside and outside of China. And clearly, much of this heightened passion mirrors the same passion shown by the proesting Tibetans from "TEAM TIBET SHANGRILA" in the Tibetan diasporic communities in Dharmsala, Nepal, and elsehwere in Europe and America, stoked by their dumb Western "wannabes", including among them some downright rude and boorish youths from the WEST.

Many Chinese ordinary people, youths and netizens are outraged at London, Paris, and San Francisco and the rudenes, incivility and insults heaped upon not just the Chinese government, with whom many Chinese youths may not agree with, but in their eyes, the Beijing Olympics Games is theirs, i.e. the People of China, not the government's.

The almost unanimous U.S. Congress resolution(thank Buddha Rep. Ron Paul was the lone dissenting vote) accusing China of human rights abuse and tilting in favor of the Dalai Lama's "unachievable and unworkable demand" for GREATER TIBET , an expansionist plan which will de-facto require "ethnic cleansing" in many provinces of China, from Qinghai,Gansu, Szechuan, Yunnan and other places where Tibetans are clustered among 55 ethnic minority groups living in China stirred anger not just among Chinese government officials but netizens inside China.

And they are mobilizing and clamoring for enough and enough. Worse - "payback."

The first target is Nicholas Sarkozy, the President of France. And Paris Socialist Mayor Delanoe for that Parisian "insultand slap in the face." China and its people "lost face" and united and collectively, they are saying: "Enough is Enough!"

Many Chinese youths are outraged at the assault particularly projected on the young disabled female paraolympican athlete who was one of relay torchrunners in Paris, a clear case of legitimate protest gone awry as hooliganism and thuggery.

And they vowed revenge against France and the Parisians.

And now, we are seeing Washington D.C., especially among Republicans, moving to tamp down the Team Tibet protesters and seek to "cool it."

Stephen Hadley, U.S. President George W. Bush' National Security, appearing on ABC Sunday, all but say, "Cool it." It is not working, and worse it is hurting the WEST.

Clearly, Hadley is signaling that "quiet diplomacy" works better than China Bashing.

And he is right. Even Former U.S. President, Jimmy Carter has chimed in calling the WEST to "cool it."

Jimmy Carter whose presidential watch, saw American athletes boycott the Moscow Olympics in 1980 said those times ard and experience in heightened Soveit and American relations were totally different and

Rather than stoking tensions between the WEST and China, Carter said “I hope that all the countries will go ahead and participate in the Olympics in Beijing.”

Why the cooling down especially among Republicans in the Washington beltway? Why ? Dummies.

Because AIRBUS, the European air supplier of commercial jets, is a designated target by China.

Because after that, Boeing is the next "designated" target. And Boeing executives know that that they are unfortunately the "innocent hostage" held against their will because of this lunacy being orchestrated in the WEST by political leaders and their dumb stupid constituency.

France and Sarkozy and Paris were the worse. And German Chancellor Angela Merkel is the "U.S. Spoeaker Nancy Pelosi" of Western Europe -- demagogues and self-righteous "bitches."

"Ne pas oblier France. Ne pas oblier Sarkozy. Ne pas Oblier Delenoe. Let's not forget Speaker Nancy Pelosi" This appears to be the rallying cry for "payback" in the internet among Chinese netizens, inside and outside China.

I sense a historical "deja vu" unfolding before my eyes at this time, at this juncture, from my "Third Space" and my "Third Eye."

The spirit "May 4th Movement" of 1919 after World War I has been unleashed in China. And Don't forget, the torch arrives in China close to that very significant day in Chinese history. Wiki "May 4th movement" at Wikipedia and learn more about what the "May 4th Movement" of 1919 is all about in China's relations with the WEST.

The lesson to the West: "Dont fuck around with us in China!"

That's not the government's call. It is the call of China's youths. And don't forget, in 1919, it was China's youth who mobilized to call the West "Enough is Enough."