Monday, April 14, 2008


F. William Engdall, a research associate with the Center for Globalization wrote a very illuminating piece of commentary which appeared at the following hyperlink of his research organization:

Here is the pertinent URL:

Mr. Engdall, in his think-piece, discussed the "geopolitical" game being orchestrated by certain forces in the United States beltway behind the ultra-risky "Tibet Roulette" game that we are witnessing today over the Beijing Olympics Games to destabilize China.

After the ECONOMIST reporter James Miles' accurate first-hand report about what he personally saw and reported for the ECONOMIST, this piece of writing is one of the few Western reports which are "rays of light" which do not filter through the biased dark lenses of most Western news media organizations, including CNN, ABC, NBC, and the slew of "rat packs" focused on the "Tibet Shangri-La-Dalai Lama" narrative.

Flush out Mr. Engdall's piece in the hyperlink provided. It is a must-read for background of the players behind the China Bashing and Demonization play, amplified by Hollywood's celebrities such as Richard Gere.