Sunday, April 27, 2008

White Sahib's Recommended Book List of the Week for our Yellow and Brown colonials - Eurocentric Books about the Non-Western World

1st recommended Book of the Week from "White Sahib":

The Europeanization of the World, on the Origins of Human Rights and Democracy
, by John M. Headley, 2008, Princeton University Press.

Good grief. The White Man's Burden in the non-Western world must be preserved at any and all costs. Yes Sir, Sahib. Yes Sir, Massah ! Western Democracy is groovy. And you can be a Hollywood celebrity and take your panties off anytime you feel like it, a la Britney Spears ! Groovy ! And be a pothead and bonghead and make it to the movies big-time ! Welcome to Hollywood. And yes, you can be an academic underachiever and be the U.S. President and live in the White House. Superrrrr ! Groovyyyyyy !

2nd Recommended Book from "White Sahib":

China's Great Leap: The Beijing Games and Olympian Human Rights Challenges
(Paperback) 2008 by Minky Worden (Editor)

Sinophiles morped into Sinophobes, and their "yellow" gungadins and spear-carriers from Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International who became self-appointed "Inspector Javerts" out to cause les miserables upon abusive demons and Chinese in the land of Human Rights Abusers extraordinairre. Never mind their own dirty backyard, with Iraq's Abu Graib and Guantanamo, and yes, this shocking but true fact: "The U.S. has less than 5 percent of the world’s population but almost a quarter of its prisoners."

But who cares ? They are mostly Black, Latino, and non-white racial minorities locked up in America's Gulag, determined by some in prisons like Pelican Bay, as horrific prisons with major human rights abuses against "colored people." But who cares? White people don't care about colored people anyways except when they are over there ! Not home.

For a clue on what the word, "Sahib" means, wiki it from Wikipedia:

3rd Recommended Book from "White Sahib":

Yes, the usual "Yellow Peril" drivel ! The Chinamen are coming ! The Chinamen are coming!

In the Jaw of the Dragon, America's Fate in the Coming Era of Chinese Hegemony, by Eamon Fingleton, 2008, St. Martin's Press.