Wednesday, April 30, 2008

SHALOM from two Jewish Friends of the Chinese Peoples concerned about China Bashing and Demonization from some misguided Jews over Darfur and Tibet !

Spatium Trientis received the following opinion piece authored by Shalom Solomon Wald, a senior fellow at the Jewish People Policy Planning Institute in Jerusalem. Antoine Halff, an adjunct professor of international and public affairs at Columbia University, an energy analyst in New York.

This rational and thoughtful piece was published at the online daily of Forward, entitled, "Enough Misguided Maligning of China."

It discussed the rightful concerns of many Jews, embued with Tikkun Olam, about Darfur and Tibet, but also also has spawn and given rise to a fast-growing campaign of prejudice — with a few well-known Jews in the vanguard — that singles out Chinese policies for criticism and threatens to derail China’s Olympic dream in retaliation. Click on the link.

Earlier, Spatium Trientis has published a blog calling on World Jews to curb China bashing and demonization by certain elitist American Jews raising the spectre of China and the Chinese peoples' alleged human rights abuses; We have called these misguided Jews "ingrates" after what the Chinese peoples did to assist Jews during World War II, escaping Nazi persecution via the underground railroad using Shanghai as a way station, click on the link to read my earlier blog:

Steven Spielberg, all Chinese peoples will remember. And we will never forget what you did recently over your misguided disrespect towards the Chinese peoples as they host the Beijing Olympics games of 2008 !