Monday, April 28, 2008

In the Spirit of May 4th, 1919 Movement, 文化复兴 A Cultural Resurgence and Rude Awakening Among Chinese Youths and Students in China and Overseas!!

Here's what the Western news media has not been willing and deliberately tried to blockade and embargo about Chinese students overseas and youths mobilizing against China Bashing and Demonization.

Report from and how this Chinese news website reports the story on the rude awakening by China's youth from their past worship of things Western under the stereotypical naivite that " The White Man's fart smell fragrant!" Or in Chinese, "Bai Ren Pi Hao Xiang 白人屁好香 ". Click on the new awakening and cultural resurgence inside and outside China among young Chinese students and youths, as reported in

Consider the "spin" from the New York Times and how they report the story, through their biased Western prism:

Thank goodness there's the net, Google, YouTube, Yahoo!, and blogosphere. Consider the story about why old media such as the New York Times is fast losing out in circulation. Why ? Because they can't keep up with the forces of globalization and the leveling of the playing field. It is no longer a "White Man's game," i.e. News and Information arbitrage and filtering is now seeing new "Non-Western" players learning the game.

The earth is flat. And those "old foggies" in the Western News Media can't figure out what hits them in the warped backward minds ill-equipped to cope with the challenges of technology. Click on the latest about the implosion and decline of "old media" in America, including the NYT:

Getting back on fair and accurate reporting, and the filters self-imposed by the Western news media, the headlines by each newspaper tells how the Americans news media massage the story, and how Chinese news media massage the same story.

All in the name of a "free press" ? Whose "free press ?