Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Wise Man from Singapore, KISHORE MAHBUBANI speaks - 900 Million people (West) vs. 5.6 billion people (EAST) CLASH - full interview Canada

Kishore Mahbubani, former Singaporean Ambassador to the United Nations, and now the Dean of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, of the National University of Singapore, has written a fascinating and insightful book recently, entitled "The New Asian Hemisphere, Asia Rising."
Mr. Mahbbhubani was interviewed by Steve Paiken, host of Canadian program, " The Agenda," in the clip below in a "must see" interview conducted on April 28, 2008 in Canada accessible via

Mr. Mahbubani's key thesis, as an Eastern thinker and steeped in the historical trends, posits the following:

For centuries, the Asians (Chinese, Indians, Muslims, and others) have been bystanders in world history. Now they are ready to become co-drivers.Asians have finally understood, absorbed, and implemented Western best practices in many areas: from free-market economics to modern science and technology, from meritocracy to rule of law. They have also become innovative in their own way, creating new patterns of cooperation not seen in the West.Will the West resist the rise of Asia? The good news is that Asia wants to replicate, not dominate, the West. For a happy outcome to emerge, the West must gracefully give up its domination of global institutions, from the IMF to the World Bank, from the G7 to the UN Security Council.History teaches that tensions and conflicts are more likely when new powers emerge. This, too, may happen. But they can be avoided if the world accepts the key principles for a new global partnership spelled out in The New Asian Hemisphere.

Just imagine the depth and probity of Mr. Mahbubani compared to CNN's "soundbite" ignoramus, Jack Cafferty. The difference between EAST and WEST cannot be more apparent.
Thoughtfulness vs. Hubris, Hambug !

Click on to hear Mr. Mahbubani. You may recall over a decade ago, Mr. Mahbubani authored a think-piece, entitled, "Go East, Young Man" which laid the thesis of the emergence of CHINDIA, i.e. China and India, and the emerging Asian "tigers," Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia, among other Asian societies.

Mr. Mahbhubani's views are not "PC" with most Westerners and especially Americans, described as "closed-minded" living in a supposed "open society." Click on below for the full interview from :

The interview of Mr. Mahbubani was aired on April 28, 2008, and is a "must view" for Westerners who thinks that the WEST dominates, and "equates modernity with Westernization."

Nonsense. Hubris, Arrogance.

Compare Mr. Mahbubani's book, "The New Asian Hemisphere - Asian Rising," and read my earlier blog on "White Sahib's recommended book list" by clicking on the link below: