Monday, April 21, 2008

"Free TIBET - Free MARIJUANA"; "TIBET Libre - MARIJUANA Libre "!

"Isn't America beautiful ?" Wowie Zoowieeee.

China will commemorate its May 4th Movement in two weeks in remembrance of the humiliation after World War I in 1919 after the Western powers, in the aftermath of Allied defeat of vanquished Germany, granted Germany's colony in Shantung Province, China to Japan as "spoils" of World War I, disrespecting and insulting China's sovereignty and its people's dignity.

May 4th was fundamentally a people's movement spearheaded by China's youth compelled by the sense of their own society's victimization in the hands of the Western Powers in 1919. Today, stirrings of May 4th has resurged in China in the face of the China bashing experienced in London, Paris, and San Francisco.

Compare, this week, 11 days after San Francisco's protests by over the Olympics torch relay, American youths commemorated their the April 20th Movement, in memory of the Cannabis revolution. America's version of China's May 4th. A culture resurgence staged with passion and conviction.

May 4th (China) = April 20th (4/10) America! LOL.

Wiki what 4/20 means to more American youths dumbed down by a boorish, vulgar culture of indolence, insolence, and spiritual vapidness. Compare what China's youth are focused on and what America's youth are focused on. National Unity vs. Drugs. And now we are talking about FREE TIBET?

4/20 has become the new passion of American youths, and their turnout in America's campuses from places like University of California in Santa Cruz, Colorado to University of Colorado in Boulder, Colorado exceeded even the numbers seen in San Francisco during the "TEAM TIBET-SHANGRI-LA" mau mau and planned ambush of the Olympics torch. The ambush did not occur, thanks to our Mayor who did a "fake turn" and instructed his police department to assist the relay runners to hightail the torch in an opposite direction, all the way to the San Francisco International Airport onto Buenas Aires, Argentina.

The banal mainstream American press, i.e. CNN, NBC, ABC, Fox, and their Western "rat packs," BBC, ABC, French, German, Norwegian TV missed out in capturing in film and photos what they wanted all along through their biased "protest" lenses, i.e.. Violence attacks in San Francisco !

Fortunately, no major violence ensued, despite the "Alarm and Protest" resolution rifled into our city council by one elected official, Supervisor Chris Daly, aka "Chris Dalai," the reincarnate of the Dalai Lama in San Francisco's mondo bizzarro. And here's our Madame Speaker Nancy Pelosi, in her Gucci and Prada "activist" fervor leading the charge of the San Francisco Brigades to ambush the Olympics torch, with her bongheads from California.

This in the name of San Francisco values, ahem, American values, ahem, Western values, against China and the Chinese demons. I say this in earnest to Madame Speaker of the U.S. Congress :

"Madame Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Momma-San, take a puff from your San Franciscan "bong heads" who can't find TIBET in a map on April 9 Ground Zero during the "Anti-Bejing Olympics torch relay" protest. While they are out there screaming "FREE TIBET," trying to run ahead of the race to free Tibet in their white knight armor and charging on their high horses.

And here you are, telling the Western world that people of conscience around the world have to lecture China about human rights ? More like bonghead and pothead rights for your hipsters in your own hometown, San Francisco, and California ! And here you are considered an ineffective and dismally poor Speaker of the House ever selected to head the country's 3rd highest office. And San Francisco deserves you !

Incidentally, the city you purport to represent, i.e. San Francisco, has more than 35 legal marijuana stores, ahem, "for medicinal use," called " medicinal cannabis marijuana clinics," nicknamed "bong joints."

And incidentally, do you remember that the city you purport to represent also has over 200,000 ethnic Chinese inhabitants, one-fourth (1/4) of San Francisco's population? Did you bother to consult with them when you went on your grandstanding "China Bashing" trip to India to demogogue the issue of Tibet ? Did you ? Have you ever listened to your own Chinese-American constituency, for Dalai Lama's sake. And you call yourself a "Democrat" at that ?



From San Francisco to Santa Cruz, from Boulder to Vancouver........ Bong Tibet; Bong China; and Bong the Beijing Olympics. Groovy. ..........More bongheads and potheads from your American campuses showed up to commemorate 4/20 than to protest 4/09 ! LOL. They are hooked on drugs. And this is your constituency. LOL.

Click on YouTube, Madame Speaker, not your loopy Washington beltway press, out of sync, out of touch, to see what is happening in your own backyard, your own balliwick in California. And instead of taking care of business in Dharamsala, why don't you come home and take care of business here back home right here in America ?

It is a real mess the U.S. of A has on its hands !-- jobs are evaporaing; gasoline prices have hit the ceiling; , beer and pizza prices are stressing out our "Johnny Six Packs" and "Soccer Jane Moms," burning a hole in their pockets, and no Bongs for our college kids who can't find jobs after 4 years of an astronomical gouging price for tuition. Our public schools, dumbing down, are experiencing an underless of functionally illiterate youths out of sync, out of skills required in the news world of globalization. In short, little Johnny and little Suzie can't compete anymore.

Every single day, there are more casualties and fatalities in America's inner cities from "drive-by" shootings and gang violence than in Iraq and Aghanistan, combined. Your city across from San Francisco, i.e. Oakland, has witnessed more shootings and killings than any major city around the world this year, and this is only April.

People in the San Francisco Bay Area, your balliwick, are mortified by the increase of random violence in our inner cities. And here you are, doing all this grandstanding, all talk, no real action in Congress.

In many of your constituents' mind, this is their horrific but sad conclusion:

Oakland = Homicide.
San Francisco = Crackpots, Dopeheads, and Nutheads. And yes, homeless bums wallowing in San Francisco's crooked streets, full of potholes and potheads.

What a ghastly reputation right here in your own balliwick! Pelosi town. And you are talking about bringing home the troops from Iraq ? How about bringing in some troops to pacify your inner cities in America, such as your own Bayview-Hunter's Point ? Where violence is rampant, drugs are aplenty, and jobs are scarce, random violence is on the rise, schools broken, kids being dumbed down, especially for America's inner city poor Blacks and Latinos ?

And Madame Speaker, in case you and your Congress are too busy to read, try clicking on YouTube below on what has become of your country's youth !

Isn't America super woowieeee zoooie ? And you are talking about taking on China ?

Just look at your own backyard in America, and be shocked about your college kids, many of whom are hooked on drugs and alcohol ! Reminds me of China during the period of the Opium War over a century ago, thanks to the Brits and you good folks in America for shipping drugs to China. (Even your own former President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, on the Delano side of his family, were opium smugglers selling dope to the masses of China, for Heaven's sake. And today, you are preaching "human rights" in China ?!@* Click on below the drugs happening today in your own backyard :

Incidentally, 4/20 is also the birthday of Nazi Germany's Adolf Hilter; it is also the anniversary of Columbian High School killings in Colorado.

On days like these, if Madame Speaker Pelosi were the Emperor of China, she would be heading out to the Temple of Heaven to pray for Good Luck. Good grief, those bongheads will be cursed.
Wiki for more info: