Tuesday, April 15, 2008

"FU MANCHU"ism from the Sydney Morning Herald - Chutzpah, Hubris, Racism and Ignorance unleashed.

To our Aussie friends:

We hear you from your corner from down under. We are over here yunder in perverse and perverted San Francisco, home to freaks, nuts and mau-mau zealots, and mean streets full of drunks, bums, and crazies.

In my 3rd space at San Francisco, site of Ground Zero on April 9, 2008, we are hearing the same stridency and boorish behavior from some within the Aussie press, accompanying the Olympics torch relay. Do I hear the same script, the same scripwriters, directors, producers from the usual Western news "ratpack" ?

The usual "piling" about the "yellow horde," being dramatized and scripted by your biased press out to pick a fight with China and its people.

The standard sneakish "Chinaman" henchmen, government agents, and those faceless, mindless, mass of Chinese-Aussies being rallied to protect the torch, and to rail, attack and ambush the glorious human rights activists from "TEAM TIBET SHANGRI-LA," "TEAM FALUNGONG," and "TEAM DARFUR."

Consider the SYDNEY MORNING HERALD, the largest-circulating newspaper in the state of New South Wales.

In a report filed by their so-called "journalists" from Beijing, two named John Garnaut and Maya Li, the "spin" is that the Chinese government is asking Aussies of Chinese descent, and new Chinese immigrants in Kangaroo country to mobilize to defend the torch from the Tibetan "splittists," "scums," amd "running dogs," when it arrives in Canbrerra next week. Ground zero day in Canbrerra, the Aussie pit stop, is April 24, while ours in San Francisco just came and went on April 9, 2008, leaving the city with a $ 600,000 police security overtime bill, in the name of "free speech and free mau mau protest." Our city is broke and facing a US $ 300 million budget crunch. Many Aussies traveling to our crazy city must have noted the potholes, potheads and crackpots in San Francisco' streets.

This massage from the Chinese government, according to the report, is whipping up a frenzy among "the sons and daughters of China, as one, with love of the motherland," to protect the torch foil the attempt of "TEAM TIBET SHANGRI-LA." Goodness gracious, the Chinamen are coming ! The Chinamen are coming ! Ring the bells. Come to the rescue, white Aussies, in the name of God, the Queen, and our beloved Bar-B-Qs Aussie style !

I thought that the Sydney Morning Herald is a much better paper than our Frisco ( a disrespectful pejorative for many San Franciscan if you abbreviate the name) rag paper here, the San Francisco Chronicle, which paper I generally use to wipe "you know what," and use as bird cage lining, because I am a cheap Chinaman.

Goodness gracious, the "Fu Manchu" rhetoric being spun by your SYDNEY MORNING HERALD could not be more stale and unimaginative.

Could'n't you folks in the news media "ratpack" from down under be more creative and imaginative ?

Fu Manchu imagery in Hollywood movies is now past. It no longer sells tickets to movie houses. Vincent Price, and Christopher Lee, the archtypical villains behind the yellow peril are both dead. Apparently there are still some residues of stupid Fu Manchu stereotypical Hollywood movies in some Aussie media minds, SYDNEY MORNING HERALD included.

Come on. Aussies ! Your SYDNEY MORNING HERALD newspaper can do much better than the bird-cage lining we have in San Francisco, i.e. the SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE.

GIVE this blogger a BREAK. Stridency coupled with chutzpah, hubris, racism, and ignorance is bad for y' all Aussies.

Don't be like us 'Friscans. Dumb about China and Chinese history. Americans, as a whole, are historic-amnesic; they only think about the present, not the past. Chinese are always passionate about remember the past.

Rude, boorish, and downright uncivil - that's Americans. Learn from San Francisco's disastrous torch relay, which cost our city a tab of over $ 600,000 in police overtime, all in the name of staging a "sneak attack" against the Olympics torch which didn't happen.

Be a gracious host. Welcome the torch. It is a people-to-people torch. Don't muck it up on April 24 in Canbrerra.

We are watching. Aussies can do much better than Americans. I know that. Unless I am mistaken about the perception that Aussies have more brains than the beer in their gut.