Saturday, April 12, 2008

Olympics Games Should not Become a Symbol of Disunity but Unity

An example of the kind of narrative being spun in the Western news media on the "Team Tibet Shangri-La" narrative. Click on the hyperlink below of a broadcast story of National Public Radio here in the U.S.

In it, there is an interview of Henry Der, a Chinese-American civil rights activist, who appeared towards the end of the piece. Mr. Der has some thoughts which at least served as a "counter-narrative" against the spin by "Team Tibet-Shangri-La-Dalai Lama" which is the preferred script in the Western news media. Very little else matters.

In Tanzania, Kenyan Nobel Laureate Wangari Maathai has pulled out of the torch relay there, stating:"I thought the torch will be a symbol of unity, peace and harmony, but as it moved around the world it has become a symbol of disunity. Then I decided to pull out completely."

Her comment is disheartening because the protestors have made the Olympic torch a symbol of disunity, not the Beijing Olympics and Chinese folks.

It is a perversion that the Olympic torch is being blamed for Chinese ills against which the protestors are targeting. Protest, hectoring, and screaming have overtaken and drown out rational dialogue and calm engagement with each other, from people to people, across cultures and nationalities.

And as World Olympics Chair Mr Rouge said, politics invited itself in, and crashed the party.