Sunday, April 20, 2008

Chinese-Americans protest "Dumb Ass"/ CNN's Jack Cafferty's insulting remarks about China

Chinese-Americans are livid over "Dumb Ass" Jack Cafferty, the "talking head" of CNN's "Situation Room," over his disparaging remarks about China and the Chinese people.

Click on the latest:

And further Wiki "Jack Cafferty" and his background, including a misdemeanor criminal conviction. It appears that this CNN "talking head" is full of hubris and arrogance, but also "reckless. assaultive and harassing " when involved in a difficult "situation," i.e. car accident. He runs away. No wonder his show is entitled "The situation room." Hit the pedal again, Jack Cafferty !

And for a replay of his exact "jackass" remarks at CNN, and exactly what he said, click on:

Here's the "poster boy" of an American free but recklessly irresponsible press. free but ignorant. Free but insensitive to any but their own "europeanist" sense of the world. Free but culturally and intellectually myopic.

What's next ? Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, and Paris Hilton, without panties on as "talking heads" on America's TV news ? Using potheads, drug addicts, convicted misdemeanants to blabermouth about "human rights abuses" around the world ?

CNN : "Clean house; use Roto-Rooter to clear up and unplu your rotten stinky sewer within your news organization !"

CNN, in the eyes of 1.3 billion Chinese around the world, now stands for "China-bashing Nitwits and Nincompoops."

"A free press. Yes. But also a fair and responsible press which knows civil boundaries beyond which the lines are not crossed. "

"Western Civilization's future itself is at stakes, rocked from within by its increasing banality, vulgarity, vapidity, hooliganism, drug addiction, and moral collaspe."

Indignant Chinese netizens and bloggers have launched their own website to counter the biased news reporting from CNN and other Western news media controlled by Anti-Chinese "gatekeepers" filtering the news coverage through their "China bashing" lenses; this by tactically leveling the " playing field " in the net, by forming their Anti-CNN blogsite; click on the hyperlink below: