Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Western Press "Spin" on the Chinese Security in Blue Jog Suits Accompanying the Olympics Torch

The controversy over the visual perception in the West of the Olympics flame narrative as the torch bearers arrived in London, Paris, and San Francisco has raised hackles among many Western pundits in the press. The white man's ego is being bruised by the "macho men" from China. I agree that China's officials need to adjust. This is not the big fight which looms ahead over the Olympics games and China-Bashing. Don't sweat over the "blue jog suits."

"Bullies - according to Brit ex-Olympian Sebastian Coe"

Lord Sebastian Coe, head of the British Olympics team contingent, criticized the Chinese security guards accompanying the torch., as "bullies." That's the usual British over-reaction about its role in a former world of Western colonialism and imperialism in Asia and the rest of the world.

Understandably, the sensitivities of many Westerners about China and the Chinese people conjures up stereotypical images of "Fu Manchu" and devilish evil-doers.

And the reaction has been vociferous and completely blind-sided the focus on the welcoming local torch relay runners. Isn't this about the games and the Olympians ?

Australian Premier Kevin Rudd is right.

Instead of focusing upon the security detail of the torch run, tamp down those stereotypical and awfully bad images. "Internationalize" the "security team" protecting the torch.
Don't sweat the small stuff at this time and avoid getting into a "food fight" with the white boys over this non-issue. In fact, it might not be such a bad idea to get Steve Segal, the Hollywood "kick 'em, smash 'em" action star and American kung-fu actor Chuck Norris to protect the relay runners. Big deal.

Tamping Down Western Stereotypes and Staying Focused on the Torch Relay Runners
If that is not enough to tamp down those lads' brused ego, use female Chinese guards, like those "China dolls" that Western men are fantasizing about in Hollywood "kung fu" movies. Don't use Chinese beefy men. Use attractive Chinese females with martial arts expertise. Think Zhang Ziyi. Think Susie Wong. Think Michelle Yeoh. Think about the positive imagery Westerners hold about things Chinese, especially our "China Dolls."

And Kevin Rudd is astute and observant enough to decide that in Australia, on the Canbrerra leg of the relay, it is best to leave it to Aussie security, perhaps with some female "Zhang Ziyi" types who can secure the relay, yet not inflame and stoke the passions and prejudices in the West against Chinese men, especially from the West "macho" types.
Aussie Premier Kevin Rudd Chimes In

Thanks. Mr. Rudd. You have to connect rationally and calmly to tamp down the heightened and strident emotions in the West. Do the "right thing."

Click on below the spin from our local newspaper, the San Francisco Chronicle, at the controversy over the "blue jogging suits" security attendants from China accompanying the torch :
Click on the Spin from a San Francisco local Newspaper about the brouhaha