Thursday, April 24, 2008

Pass the popcorn - here's the kind of white boy's and white girl's drivel about mysterious "TIBET" esoterica and Shangri-la mysticism

How can one win if those white boys and girls in the Western world nowadays are completely warped by a narrative of "Shangri-la" and Tibet esoterica, spiritualism, and mysticism being spun by its fiction writers and Hollywood producers ?

Richard Gere can. But not those of us now straddled between the Eastern and Western world, working our damn hardest to provide some rationality in the dialogue between China and the West on the issue of TIBET.

Consider the following from Japan Times about a new spin in a fictionized, embellished fictional product about mysterious and mystical TIBET.

The book is THE WHEEL OF DARKNESS by Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child. New York: Warner Books, 2007, 388 pp., $25.99 (cloth) . Read a book review from Japan Times online.

These are the kinds of literature which move and cause passion in the WEST among our "Cannabis mau mau protesters" and our "Gucci activists" from Hollywood to push China and those Chinese demons to give the world a "FREE TIBET."

You can't win if those minds are perverted and ignorant. And their "window" on and about CHINA is based on fiction by English and European writers who don't have a clue about Chinese civilization and especially about TIBET in the past and in its basic, fundamental reality.

But pass on the popcorn, because I also enjoy American fiction by American writers. But from my perch at Spatium Trientis, I ain't going to read it without some circumspection, knowing that there is a vast difference between fiction and reality.