Monday, April 28, 2008


In the spirit of cultural resurgence (May 4th Movement) among ethnic Chinese overseas intellectuals, in righteous indignation over the vicious, relentless China bashing from the WEST, and especially from the U.S. of A., happening in the past month, a Chinese friend from overseas flagged me to the story below about The Lakota Indians, who gave the world legendary warriors Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse, seeking to withdraw and rescind from the Indian treaties entered with the United States 150 years ago.

This is serious stuff. Because the white men treatment of the indiginous native-Americans in America is a sordid and shameful history of how the White Men committed genocide in the conquest of America. And from South and North Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, and Nebraska, the Lakota Indians are rekindling and fighting for their right to self-determination and reclaiming the land the White man has stolen from them.

Free TIBET ? How about Free North and South Dakota ? And Wyoming, Montana and Nebraska? How about returning the land to the native peoples of America - White Man? Click on the hyperlink on FoxNews' report about the Lakota Indians:,2933,317548,00.html

And from my fellow blogger and iconoclast Bevin Chu, based in Taipei and Shanghai, and his incisive blogs at CHINA DESK 中國紅, (link to under his blog site at: ,

I invite you to read his persuasive and very logical piece on "Why China's Claim to TIBET has more validity than U.S. claim to California." Bevin Chu's think piece, from Taipei, Taiwan, is a "must read" because he called America on the hypocrisy of Whites in America.

Both Bevin Chu and I are fluently bilingual in the Chinese and English languages, and we have fluidly transcended the parochialism, the narrow-minded, insular veneer of most of the awfully bad English language writings and publications about China, US-China, and China-West relations, and the hubris that many White folks hold about non-Western societies, social-political-economic culture, especially from the Western news media.

To y 'all "Gucci" activists and "Save Darfur" Greens from Hollywood Beverly Hills, you are sitting on Mexican land; and for Richard Gere's sake, treat your Mexican housemaids and gardeners decently ! Click on Bevin Chu's piece which is a "must read" below from his web blog link:

This is something the American mainstream news media does not dare to report, i.e.

"58 percent of Mexicans surveyed in a national poll believe the Southwestern United States rightly belongs to Mexico. "

"Free TIBET ? How about Free CALIFORNIA ? Free SOUTHWEST, including ARIZONA, NEW MEXICO, and TEXAS ?

And His Holiness the Dalai Lama talking about "Cultural Genocide" in TIBET ? What about the Real Red Genocide committed by the White men on native indiginous Americans, the Lakota Indians ?

Hypocrites !