Thursday, April 17, 2008

LOL ! New York Times losing their pants from internet competition

LOL. Que barbaridad. Que tonto.

Read on by clicking the URL below:

The New York Times is suffering from red ink; and those gatekeepers and dumb "old farts" within their organization still don't have a clue, or are "in denial" that the internet and bloggers have eaten their lunches. America's most prestigious print newspaper is an albatross of more bad hemorrhaging in American media to come.

And if they don't shape up and adjust, the forces of globalization will sweep them away like the tidal wave Tsunami of December, 2004, and techtonic forces unleased by the Great Sumatra-Andaman earthquake.

Touche. Touche.

Thanks to Google and YouTube, and the wide wide world of the internet.

Netizens from the world all across the globe are doing end-runs against the mainstream Western news media. New media. Google, YouTube and Bloggers are in. The blogosphere trumps print and paper. The bloggers are waiting for the wake and funeral.

In an age of information, those who control the wells to the water of news and information, in the most unfiltered and rawest ways, will rule the day.

A free press ? What good is it if that freedom is not exericised responsibly and sensitive to other cultures around the world and respectful of other peoples other than those in the Western world ? The Pacific-Eurasia century is upon us. Western colonialism and hegemony are out.

Time to use the broom and clean out the "cobwebs" from your ranks, New York Times.

Stop your China bashing and demonization, first and foremost. Play fair and stay respectable as an organ which publishes all news fit to print, not news that you deem fit to print for the West.

As your columnist Thomas Friedman prophesied, "The earth is now flat."