Wednesday, April 30, 2008

SHALOM from two Jewish Friends of the Chinese Peoples concerned about China Bashing and Demonization from some misguided Jews over Darfur and Tibet !

Spatium Trientis received the following opinion piece authored by Shalom Solomon Wald, a senior fellow at the Jewish People Policy Planning Institute in Jerusalem. Antoine Halff, an adjunct professor of international and public affairs at Columbia University, an energy analyst in New York.

This rational and thoughtful piece was published at the online daily of Forward, entitled, "Enough Misguided Maligning of China."

It discussed the rightful concerns of many Jews, embued with Tikkun Olam, about Darfur and Tibet, but also also has spawn and given rise to a fast-growing campaign of prejudice — with a few well-known Jews in the vanguard — that singles out Chinese policies for criticism and threatens to derail China’s Olympic dream in retaliation. Click on the link.

Earlier, Spatium Trientis has published a blog calling on World Jews to curb China bashing and demonization by certain elitist American Jews raising the spectre of China and the Chinese peoples' alleged human rights abuses; We have called these misguided Jews "ingrates" after what the Chinese peoples did to assist Jews during World War II, escaping Nazi persecution via the underground railroad using Shanghai as a way station, click on the link to read my earlier blog:

Steven Spielberg, all Chinese peoples will remember. And we will never forget what you did recently over your misguided disrespect towards the Chinese peoples as they host the Beijing Olympics games of 2008 !

The Wise Man from Singapore, KISHORE MAHBUBANI speaks - 900 Million people (West) vs. 5.6 billion people (EAST) CLASH - full interview Canada

Kishore Mahbubani, former Singaporean Ambassador to the United Nations, and now the Dean of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, of the National University of Singapore, has written a fascinating and insightful book recently, entitled "The New Asian Hemisphere, Asia Rising."
Mr. Mahbbhubani was interviewed by Steve Paiken, host of Canadian program, " The Agenda," in the clip below in a "must see" interview conducted on April 28, 2008 in Canada accessible via

Mr. Mahbubani's key thesis, as an Eastern thinker and steeped in the historical trends, posits the following:

For centuries, the Asians (Chinese, Indians, Muslims, and others) have been bystanders in world history. Now they are ready to become co-drivers.Asians have finally understood, absorbed, and implemented Western best practices in many areas: from free-market economics to modern science and technology, from meritocracy to rule of law. They have also become innovative in their own way, creating new patterns of cooperation not seen in the West.Will the West resist the rise of Asia? The good news is that Asia wants to replicate, not dominate, the West. For a happy outcome to emerge, the West must gracefully give up its domination of global institutions, from the IMF to the World Bank, from the G7 to the UN Security Council.History teaches that tensions and conflicts are more likely when new powers emerge. This, too, may happen. But they can be avoided if the world accepts the key principles for a new global partnership spelled out in The New Asian Hemisphere.

Just imagine the depth and probity of Mr. Mahbubani compared to CNN's "soundbite" ignoramus, Jack Cafferty. The difference between EAST and WEST cannot be more apparent.
Thoughtfulness vs. Hubris, Hambug !

Click on to hear Mr. Mahbubani. You may recall over a decade ago, Mr. Mahbubani authored a think-piece, entitled, "Go East, Young Man" which laid the thesis of the emergence of CHINDIA, i.e. China and India, and the emerging Asian "tigers," Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia, among other Asian societies.

Mr. Mahbhubani's views are not "PC" with most Westerners and especially Americans, described as "closed-minded" living in a supposed "open society." Click on below for the full interview from :

The interview of Mr. Mahbubani was aired on April 28, 2008, and is a "must view" for Westerners who thinks that the WEST dominates, and "equates modernity with Westernization."

Nonsense. Hubris, Arrogance.

Compare Mr. Mahbubani's book, "The New Asian Hemisphere - Asian Rising," and read my earlier blog on "White Sahib's recommended book list" by clicking on the link below:

Cartoon depicting American Hypocrisy over TIBET - something that "Johnny Hipsters" and "Suzie Dont' Read" will find amusing but absolutely true !

Sometimes, a cartoon can say a million words.

Spatium Trientis received the following cartoon from Gocomics which says a lot about the ridiculous hypocrisy in the WEST about China, and the TIBET issue.

Click on:

"People who live in glass houses should not throw stones!!"

Calling all World Jews to Help Curb some of your American elitist Jews bashing and demonizing China with a perverted sense of 'Tikkun Olam'

Consider the following AP wire report about some American elitist Jewish organizations calling for a boycott of the Beijing Olympics Games.

After what the Chinese peoples have done for World Jewry during the Holocaust and World War II, and how China and its peoples provided "safe haven" for persecuted Jews fleeing Nazi Germany through the "underground railroad" with Shanghai as a base to flee from Nazi Germany ! Shocking. Outrageous, Ingrates.

Now, some of these dumb American Jews,ignorant about China and its history, are siding with Nazi SS Heinrich Harrer "ward," and best friend, His Holiness, the Dalai Lama ! Read my earlier blog from Spatium Trientis and the ties of the author of "Seven Days in Tibet" to Nazi Germany and his foray and friendship with the Dalai Lama. Click on: on the shocking news from AP about these ingrate and dumb Jews now bashing China, and demonizing the Chinese peoples. INGRATES ! SCHMUCKS ! What's going on with these Americans ?,0,1886162.story

Calling, all rational Jews around World Jewry, "Curb your perverted elitist Jews and Rabbis from America" who don't know history and about the Dalai Lama's ties to Nazi Germany.

There has to be more rational Jews who will be indignant over this dumb story !

If not, all our Chinese restaurants in America, with our Jewish customers, will fold and no longer serve kosher food ! :-( :-)

And there are more Chinese restaurants in America than McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's, KFC, combined. Click on Jennifer 8. Lee's video recorded at Google HQ in Mountain View recently.

Finally - Olympics Torch arrives in China's Soil - HK ! Own 'hood - The real games begin - focus on the Olympian Athletes - not the Western "Mau Mau"

The Torch lands in HKG's Chek Lap Kok Airport. Finally, it is in China's 'hood.

Consider the spin now from and compare with how the NYT reports it.

Click on both stories below.

Mia Farrow ? Who is she ? And who cares ? reports:

New York Times reports:

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

THE POEM by a Silent Chinese Patriot translated in Chinese


A Poem Dedicated to the last 150 years of this planet.
By a Slient, Silent Chinese @wmf.

When we were the sick man of Asia, we were called the peril.
When we are billed to be the next superpower, we are called the threat.
When we closed our doors, you smuggled dope as free trade.
When we embrace freed trade, you call it sucking away jobs.
When we were falling apart, your troops marched in for your "fair share".
When we were putting together the broken peices again, "Free Tibet" you
screamed, "it was an invasion!"
So, we tried Communism; you hated us for being Communists.
When we embraced Capitalism, you never recogize us as Capitalists.
When we have a billion people, you said we were destroying the planet.
When we are tried family planning, you said it was eugenics.
When we were poor, you think we are dogs.
When we buy your bonds, you blame us for your debts.
When we built our factories, you called us polluters.
When we try to address global warming, you refused to sign Kyoto
When we buy oil, you call it exploitation and support of genocide.
When you rob oil, you call it liberation.
When we were lost in chaos and rampage, you peddled rule of Law.
When we uphold law and order against murder and violence, you it
When we were in silence, you said we need free speech.
When we can hear your speech, you gave us cropped speech.
Why do you hate us so much? we asked.
"No," you answered, "We don't hate you."
We don't hate You either,
But do you understand us?
"Of course we do," you said,
"We have AFP, CNN and BBCs..."
What do you really want from us?
Think hard first, and then answer...
Because you only get so many chances,
Enough is enough, enough hypocrisy for this one world.
We want One World, One Dream, And Peace On Earth.
- This Big Blue Earth is Big Enough for all of Us.

YALE University Chinese Students and Scholars Mobilizing in Support of the Beijing Olympics in the Spirit of May 4th Movement 五四運動!

From Spatium Trientis, "Third Space," Our "Third Eye" has been following the cultural and intellectual resurgence and rude awakening many Chinese students, youths, and intellectuals are now feeling.

Even from New Haven, Connecticut, at the campus of YALE UNIVERSITY, alma mater of President George W. Bush, and former President Bill Clinton, the intellectual stirrings, and cultural resurgence, in the din of Western China bashing and demonization, have resonated and affected Chinese students and scholars at YALE. Read the story that the Western news media refuse to report on and are blindsided through their biased lenses:

Look at what I wrote previously about this cultural and intellectual resurgence :

Does this not remind you of "deja vu," May 4th Movement, 1919, 五四運動 ?

Click on:

Down with Western Imperialism 帝国主义 Di Guo Zhu Yi !
Down with Western Colonialism 西方殖民主义 Xi Fang Zhi Min Zhu Yi !
Clean Out
Western Colonial Mentality殖民主义思想 Zhi Min Zhu Yi Si Xiang !


Monday, April 28, 2008


In the spirit of cultural resurgence (May 4th Movement) among ethnic Chinese overseas intellectuals, in righteous indignation over the vicious, relentless China bashing from the WEST, and especially from the U.S. of A., happening in the past month, a Chinese friend from overseas flagged me to the story below about The Lakota Indians, who gave the world legendary warriors Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse, seeking to withdraw and rescind from the Indian treaties entered with the United States 150 years ago.

This is serious stuff. Because the white men treatment of the indiginous native-Americans in America is a sordid and shameful history of how the White Men committed genocide in the conquest of America. And from South and North Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, and Nebraska, the Lakota Indians are rekindling and fighting for their right to self-determination and reclaiming the land the White man has stolen from them.

Free TIBET ? How about Free North and South Dakota ? And Wyoming, Montana and Nebraska? How about returning the land to the native peoples of America - White Man? Click on the hyperlink on FoxNews' report about the Lakota Indians:,2933,317548,00.html

And from my fellow blogger and iconoclast Bevin Chu, based in Taipei and Shanghai, and his incisive blogs at CHINA DESK 中國紅, (link to under his blog site at: ,

I invite you to read his persuasive and very logical piece on "Why China's Claim to TIBET has more validity than U.S. claim to California." Bevin Chu's think piece, from Taipei, Taiwan, is a "must read" because he called America on the hypocrisy of Whites in America.

Both Bevin Chu and I are fluently bilingual in the Chinese and English languages, and we have fluidly transcended the parochialism, the narrow-minded, insular veneer of most of the awfully bad English language writings and publications about China, US-China, and China-West relations, and the hubris that many White folks hold about non-Western societies, social-political-economic culture, especially from the Western news media.

To y 'all "Gucci" activists and "Save Darfur" Greens from Hollywood Beverly Hills, you are sitting on Mexican land; and for Richard Gere's sake, treat your Mexican housemaids and gardeners decently ! Click on Bevin Chu's piece which is a "must read" below from his web blog link:

This is something the American mainstream news media does not dare to report, i.e.

"58 percent of Mexicans surveyed in a national poll believe the Southwestern United States rightly belongs to Mexico. "

"Free TIBET ? How about Free CALIFORNIA ? Free SOUTHWEST, including ARIZONA, NEW MEXICO, and TEXAS ?

And His Holiness the Dalai Lama talking about "Cultural Genocide" in TIBET ? What about the Real Red Genocide committed by the White men on native indiginous Americans, the Lakota Indians ?

Hypocrites !

In the Spirit of May 4th, 1919 Movement, 文化复兴 A Cultural Resurgence and Rude Awakening Among Chinese Youths and Students in China and Overseas!!

Here's what the Western news media has not been willing and deliberately tried to blockade and embargo about Chinese students overseas and youths mobilizing against China Bashing and Demonization.

Report from and how this Chinese news website reports the story on the rude awakening by China's youth from their past worship of things Western under the stereotypical naivite that " The White Man's fart smell fragrant!" Or in Chinese, "Bai Ren Pi Hao Xiang 白人屁好香 ". Click on the new awakening and cultural resurgence inside and outside China among young Chinese students and youths, as reported in

Consider the "spin" from the New York Times and how they report the story, through their biased Western prism:

Thank goodness there's the net, Google, YouTube, Yahoo!, and blogosphere. Consider the story about why old media such as the New York Times is fast losing out in circulation. Why ? Because they can't keep up with the forces of globalization and the leveling of the playing field. It is no longer a "White Man's game," i.e. News and Information arbitrage and filtering is now seeing new "Non-Western" players learning the game.

The earth is flat. And those "old foggies" in the Western News Media can't figure out what hits them in the warped backward minds ill-equipped to cope with the challenges of technology. Click on the latest about the implosion and decline of "old media" in America, including the NYT:

Getting back on fair and accurate reporting, and the filters self-imposed by the Western news media, the headlines by each newspaper tells how the Americans news media massage the story, and how Chinese news media massage the same story.

All in the name of a "free press" ? Whose "free press ?

CNN and JACK CAFFERTY sued in Class Action filed in NY court by two Chinese-American New Yorkers over slanderous comments about "Goons and Thugs" !

US$ 1 for each person in China -- $ 1.3 billion claim vs. CNN, Jack Cafferty

HONG KONG (Reuters) - A Chinese primary school teacher and a beautician have filed a suit against CNN in New York over remarks they say insulted the Chinese people and are seeking $1.3 billion in compensation -- $1 per person in China, a Hong Kong newspaper reported.

The case against the Atlanta-based cable channel, its parent company Turner Broadcasting and Jack Cafferty, the offending commentator, comes after 14 lawyers launched a similar suit in Beijing alleging that Cafferty's remarks earlier this month violated the dignity and reputation of the Chinese people.

Cafferty said the United States imported Chinese-made "junk with the lead paint on them and the poisoned pet food" and added: "They're basically the same bunch of goons and thugs they've been for the last 50 years".CNN said Cafferty was expressing an opinion about the Chinese government, but the Foreign Ministry demanded an apology and accused the network of trying to drive a wedge between the Chinese people and leadership.

The lawsuits come amid a wave of criticism in China against Western news outlets in the wake of recent unrest in Tibet and disruptions to the Beijing Olympic torch relay abroad.In New York, Liang Shubing, the beautician, and Li Lilan, a Beijing-based elementary school instructor, claimed Cafferty's words insulted all Chinese people and "intentionally caused mental harm" to the plaintiffs, the Ta Kung Pao newspaper reported on Thursday.

Six lawyers were handling the case for Liang and Li, it said."The $1.3 billion averages out to $1 per Chinese person, so it isn't much," the newspaper quoted a lawyer as saying.Asked if China supported the action against CNN, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu characterized it as "spontaneous activity by Chinese civilians".

"We will wait and see CNN's response," Jiang told a news conference, referring to the Foreign Ministry's request for a full apology."We hope CNN will take this seriously, because what CNN said and did has not only hurt China's feelings, but also CNN's own image."(Reporting by John Ruwitch and Lindsay Beck in Beijing; Editing by Nick Macfie)

In the meantime, China's officials have stiffened their stance against His Holiness, the Dalai Lama, accusing him of manipulating Western governments and the Western press in a relentless campaign of China-bashing and Chinese demonization in the lead-up to the Beijing Olympics. Click on below:

Sunday, April 27, 2008

White Sahib's Recommended Book List of the Week for our Yellow and Brown colonials - Eurocentric Books about the Non-Western World

1st recommended Book of the Week from "White Sahib":

The Europeanization of the World, on the Origins of Human Rights and Democracy
, by John M. Headley, 2008, Princeton University Press.

Good grief. The White Man's Burden in the non-Western world must be preserved at any and all costs. Yes Sir, Sahib. Yes Sir, Massah ! Western Democracy is groovy. And you can be a Hollywood celebrity and take your panties off anytime you feel like it, a la Britney Spears ! Groovy ! And be a pothead and bonghead and make it to the movies big-time ! Welcome to Hollywood. And yes, you can be an academic underachiever and be the U.S. President and live in the White House. Superrrrr ! Groovyyyyyy !

2nd Recommended Book from "White Sahib":

China's Great Leap: The Beijing Games and Olympian Human Rights Challenges
(Paperback) 2008 by Minky Worden (Editor)

Sinophiles morped into Sinophobes, and their "yellow" gungadins and spear-carriers from Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International who became self-appointed "Inspector Javerts" out to cause les miserables upon abusive demons and Chinese in the land of Human Rights Abusers extraordinairre. Never mind their own dirty backyard, with Iraq's Abu Graib and Guantanamo, and yes, this shocking but true fact: "The U.S. has less than 5 percent of the world’s population but almost a quarter of its prisoners."

But who cares ? They are mostly Black, Latino, and non-white racial minorities locked up in America's Gulag, determined by some in prisons like Pelican Bay, as horrific prisons with major human rights abuses against "colored people." But who cares? White people don't care about colored people anyways except when they are over there ! Not home.

For a clue on what the word, "Sahib" means, wiki it from Wikipedia:

3rd Recommended Book from "White Sahib":

Yes, the usual "Yellow Peril" drivel ! The Chinamen are coming ! The Chinamen are coming!

In the Jaw of the Dragon, America's Fate in the Coming Era of Chinese Hegemony, by Eamon Fingleton, 2008, St. Martin's Press.

Anti-CNN Jack-Ass Cafferty Protests in San Francisco and Los Angeles - the News that Western News Media Won't report and embargoed ! YouTube it !!

In the spirt of May 4th Movement (Remember May 4, 1919), the Chinese laobaixing, 老百姓 mobilize world-wide, in righteous indignation and protested:

The Anti-CNN protests held in San Francisco on April 26, 2008 三藩市华人反CNN辱华大游行 organized by Chinese-Americans in San Francisco Bay Area and mobilizing 3,000 (conservatively estimated ) to 5,000 protesters against CNN "China bashing" biases, click on:

The earlier protest in Los Angeles on April 19, 2008, with 8,000 Anti-CNN protesters, 4.19洛杉矶中国国人反CN N示威游行, click on:


To: Johnny and Suzie "Don't Read," Pierre and Monique, Hans and Gretchen, "WEST, What do You Want from Us ?" by a Silent Chinese - in YouTube-Ecoute!!

Click on YouTube video from "Enough is Enough" Silent Chinese - The POEM set in Louis "Satchmo" Armstrong music from YouTube:

Hallelujah ! God bless Satchmo ! May he rest in Peace ! And God bless Quincy Jones for "doing the right thing" by and for the Chinese people. Click on more about Quincy Jones on his position on the Beijing Olympics games, and more on Satchmo:

Refresher course from Michael Parenti on "The TIBET Myth"

Here's thoughtful refresher course reading from Michael Parenti, American iconoclast on the TIBET MYTH and its feudal past under the Lamas and Theocrats, many of whom are now on exile in Dharamsala, India:

Wiki Mr. Parenti through Wikipedia below, especially on his critique about the misleading distortions of the U.S. media "western news media, travel books, novels, and Hollywood films which have portrayed the Tibetan theocracy as a veritable Shangri-La" and in his expose "The Tibet Myth" goes on to detail what he feels were its negative aspects :

"Why They Hate CHINA !" a thoughtful piece by Justin Raimondo of

I may not necessarily agree with all of Justin Raimondo's piece below, published at the blogsite of on March 26, 2008. But click on his think-piece, "Why they Hate China."

While reading Mr. Raimondo, also consider thoughtful probative analysis on the demagoguery within America with the convergence of the Ulra-right neo-conservatives combining and uniting together with the Greens, the Ultra-left, the old labor union bosses manipulating from behind the scene with the Democratic Party, including Madame Speaker Nancy Pelosi, with Hilary and BO, in a joint vicious campaign of CHINA BASHING, CHINESE DEMONIZATION, and CHINAMAN LYNCHING.

" Why ?" That's the question that needed a clear and succinct answer. And Why does the Western news media hate China and worship His Holiness, the Dalai Lama, acting as the latter's shill and making the news instead of reporting the news in the name of a "free and independent" press ?

Justin Raimondo is the editorial director of He is the author of An Enemy of the State: The Life of Murray N. Rothbard (Prometheus Books, 2000). He is also the author of Reclaiming the American Right: The Lost Legacy of the Conservative Movement (with an Introduction by Patrick J. Buchanan), (Center for Libertarian Studies, 1993), and Into the Bosnian Quagmire: The Case Against U.S. Intervention in the Balkans (1996).

To Germans and Germany : "All Global Chinese are watching you - Don't Trigger World War III after starting World War I and World War II ! "

Click on the following blog received by Spatium Trientis, among global netizens in the Huaren Diaspora, about the Holly Alliance between German Greens, the liberal ulltra-left narco-fascists, and the "Aryan" right from Germany using TIBET and Tibetans as a pretext to stage China Bashing.
Click on:

Learn from May 4th, 1919. Learn from Shandong ! The Chinese masses are no longer "The Sick Men of Asia."

Sadly, again, German youths are blindsided by irrational rage and its usual cultural arrogance and white supremacist attitude because Germany is crumbling from within. And they can't stand CHINDIA. Without yellow and brown "brain power" and "brawn power," Germany and Western Europe crumbles; and they can't stand it. And they in Europe are jealous on the emergence of CHINDIA as new "players" on the World Stage !

And they are also acting out their Islamphobia against the Arabs because of oil politics.

Why the Tibetan Youth Congress' militants from Dharamsala will backstab the Dalai Lama making it imposssible to push the "A" Do beyond the "A" Talk !

听其言 看其行 Ting Qi Yan Kan Qi Xing. In English, the sentence translates to "Listen to his Words; but Watch his Steps." This is a Chinese axiom that should underpin and frame the proposed dialogue Beijing and His Holliness, the Dalai Lama. The people of China, the masses, laobaixing 老百姓, the youths, and intellectuals are watching ! And to His Holiness, I respectfully say, from "Spatium Trientis" :

""Watch your back, in Dharsamsala, because those are your vulnerabilies from India within your own exile government which you naively consider "family.""

The Chinese also have an age-old saying, "Xiu Xin Qi Jia Zhi Guo Ping Tian Xia 修心 齐家 治国 平天下. " Right now, the Dalai Lama can't even take care of his own family in Dharamsala, India, with his own house in disarray. Beware the politics of mixing politics with religion, Your Holiness.

The "backstabbers" behind His Holliness from the Tibetan Youth Congress (TYC), operating in Dharamsala with Western secret intelligence financing and logistics, have been suspected to be behind much of the violence instigated by "agent provocateurs" from within Tibet and elsewhere in the "dogging of the Olympics torch relay. And these youths are capitalizing on this violence.
See what Chinese authorities from Xinhua have said about TYC by clicking:

Before I get into my blog below about the latest news about TIBET, consider wikiing the subject matter and put it in perspective from even an acknowledgedly pro-West viewpoint.

Spatium Trientis has a "Third eye" in "Third Space" reading the signals emanating from both EAST and WEST, regarding the most intractable contentious issue of our time, CHINA-WEST, and US-CHINA relations, at its cusp of another major collision of "Tsunami" force.

A day after Xinhua news in China first reported that China's Central government has indicated that Beijing is open to another dialogue with His Holliness, the Dalai Lama, the news is abuzz both inside and outside of China.

As usual, the Western governments and the biased Western news media, are spinning their story through their biased, China-bashing prisms. Worse, they have failed to see the "big picture" or "da qu mien."

What exactly was the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson saying in the announcement to engage the Dalai Lama in talks ? In context, this is at least the 7th time that talks have been reported before the public eye, excluding those from behind the scene. Click on Xinhua News directly?

Consider the key words, by the spokesperson of China's foreign ministry:

"We have repeated that as long as Dalai gives up activities of separating the motherland, disrupting the Beijing Olympic Games and inciting violent sabotage, we are willing to continue contacts and talks with him...."

Consider further how the Washington Post spun the story:

The divergence is more than alarming. It is downright misguided and irresponsible for the Western news media to distort the nuanced language which China's governing officials have publicly stated.

The key, in my view from Spatium Trientis, is not just the Dalai Lama talking the "A" word, but walking the "A" word, and doing the "Do" word.

Borrowing from my African-American friends, this jive about the "A" word, is not just

"Talking the Talk; but Walking the Walk; and Doing the Do" about the "A" word, i.e. Autonomy.

As most Black folks know, can feel, and react in disgust against the "N" word, as expressed by the white man, compared to as expressed from the mouth of a Black person, the "N" word is totally different when spewed out from the mouth of a white racist, whether an overt or a covert white racist, and they Black folks know it when they hear it, see it, and know what the hidden offensive and hurtful intent is of the "N" word. And you can't lie to them about it, dudes !

Ditto with the "A" word camouflaging the real "I" word, Independence. Now being circulated around by "TEAM TIBET-SHANGRI LA." It just won't cut it anymore.

What makes the "A" topic excruciatingly intractable, from all Chinese standpoint, whether official government or the public "laobaixing" of China, its masses of citizenry, is how His Holliness interprets "Autonomy," and how he defines " Greater Tibet."

Again, click on Wikipedia and see the incongruence and hugh chasm between not just the Dalai Lama and China's officials, but between China and the West on this subject, and how the Western news media, e.g. Washington Post, is spinning it through their biased lenses by clicking below :

From Spatium Trientis, watching from my perch, I am afraid His Holliness, assuming he is genuinely sincere, arguendo, I am afraid his back flank, from Dharamsala, from his rears through the exile government in Dharsamsala, and from radical saffron militants supported by the CIA, and the Tibetan Youth Congress, will not enable the Dalai Lama talk "peace and reconciliation, harmony and non-violence.' It is the "I" word they want from Dharsamsala, no "if" and "buts" about it. And the Dalai Lama, I am afraid, can't "walk the walk, and do the do," even if he means well with the "talk" of the "A" word.

The signals from the non-Western world, around China's fringes cannot be more telling; consider that at this time, at this juncture. China's officials are now engaged in consultation with Russian and Pakistan officials.

These are two countries which governments the West would not like to offend nor insult at this time, at this juncture, nor antagonize. Taking on Vladimir Putin ? Or Pervez Mussaraf or who might behind Mussaraf? Be real, WEST. Click on below if you don't believe me: and

The game after London, Paris, and San Francisco has shifted against "TEAM TIBET-SHANGRI-LA" now favoring "TEAM CHINA."

And the dragon has stirred all over the world, where there are ethnic Chinese, inside and outside of the Diaspora.

Consider that at this time, the Western news media, including the San Francisco Chronicle, in the name of a "free press" has completely blacked out and embargoed the story about a massive Anti-CNN, Anti-Jack Cafferty protest rally yesterday, Saturday, April 26, 2008, at the local offices of CNN in San Francisco.

By conservative estimate, over 3,000 to 5,000 Chinese-Americans, of all political hues and shades, showed up to protest against China Bashing and against a biased and racist Western news media, with CNN's dumb jackass "talking head" Jack Cafferty being the "designated poster boy."

Since our local American English mainstream newspaper, the SF Chronicle, won't cover the story, and embargoed the news, I thought that those of you overseas might want to read the story in Chinese through the local Chinese newspapers, Ming Pao 明報 and Sing Tao 星島 in Chinese. (Consider that 1/4 of San Francisco's inhabitants are ethnic Chinese) Click on:

Consider that unlike the San Francisco Chronicle, the local paper here, in Los Angeles Times in the Southland has the professional integrity to the news as it is, and not as the white folks want the news to be, on the story about the anti-CNN Jack Cafferty protests in Los Angeles. Click on how the Los Angeles Times cover the story from the Southland, and compare the embargo and blackout in the Northland in San Francisco:,0,6415623.story

The downright biases and China bashing posture of most of the Western News media is palpable and convincing.

And in the West, their leaders and their biased shills in the Western news media have failed to grasp a fundamental point:

"The fate of TIBET is out of the hands of the Chinese government. It is in the hands of the Chinese peoples --- 1.4 billion of them, inside and outside of China, in the Chinese Diaspora."

"No governments, no leaders, EAST or WEST, can compromise on China's territorial integrity and sovereignty. "

"No Chinese, political or cultural descendants of the Yellow Emperor, will allow it. "

"The Dragon awakes. A cultural reawakening has been re-ignited.

"The Spirit of the May 4th Movement ( of 1919) 五四運動 has been rekindled among all Chinese around the world, whether they are political or apolitical or simply cultural. " Click on for more about May 4th Movement 五四運動 :

And as can be seen readily, even by the biased Western news media, the tide has shifted, after London, Paris, and San Francisco. After Canbrerra, the "protect the torch" forces behind "TEAM CHINA" has mobilized and overwhelmed "TEAM TIBET-SHANGRI-LA" overwhelmingly. Click on the latest torch relay in SEOUL, South Korea as reported by the biased prism of the New York Times:

Want to pick a fight with 1.4 billion Chinese around the world, dude, or ex-massah or ex-Sahib or ex-Western imperialists and ex-colonialists ? Want to pick on CHINDIA ?

When you can't even finish a war in Iraq with your "Coalition of the Willing" in Iraq and Afghanistan? And are now trying to prick Iran, the old great Persian civilization, cradle of human civilization ?

帮帮忙 Bang Bang Mang ! Go figure out what these words mean, Dude, if you are not dumb or drugged or drunk enough already.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Hypocrisy and Danger of Anti-China Demonstrations in the WEST

Here's a good piece of commentary received by Spatium Trientis. Click on and read:

Free Tibet ? How about Free Hawaii ? Free Diego Garcia ? Free Quebec ?

How about Free American Southwest ? Giving all of New Mexico (how can you disprove that it is not part of Mexico), and yes Texas, California and all of that swath of the Southwest back to Mexico?

How about that, dude ?

How about Indian land that the white men seize from the brown people of Native America ? !!!!!

UC Berkeley Center for Race and Gender Confab to study "Islamophobia"-- Lessons for Sinophobes and China Bashers- Compare and Study

I will be in Berkeley, California this weekend studying and listening closely on the first academic conference in the U.S. convened at the campus of the University of California, Berkeley on the fascinating subject of Islamophobia.

The word, "Islamophobia," is defined as the fear surrounding Muslims, from appearances to beliefs. It has gripped the West, an issue permeating politics, pop culture and even the price of gas. A group of professors and academics from around the nation are gathered this weekend at UC Berkeley to discuss what it means. Click on below and learn about this fascinating confab of American academics gathered in Berkeley this weekend.

At the confab, I will be especially interested in comparing Islamophobia and Sinophobia.

Sinophobia is defined as hatred of things Chinese, in America's pendulum mood swings from Sinophilia to Sinophobia. What cause Americans to have mood swings from love of China to hate of China nowadays ? Do Americans need to take their Prozac to calm down their nerves and hatred of Chinese and things Chinese these days ? On this topic, click on my previous blog on the subject:

Heavy stuff aside, Don't forget to go watch "Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay" either, now showing in your local movie theater. Don't forget to bring your own char-siu-bao, much cheaper than popcorn and coca-cola inside your American movie houses. Harold and Kumar's first spoof, "White Castle" is available from your local video store. If not, get it through or Netflix or Blockbuster.

Harold and Kumar, the two new Asian-American "anti-hero" bongheads, are (in "Guantanamo Bay") mistaken for a North Korean spy and Al Queda terrorist in the hilarious parody of stupid America gripped by paranoia and racism. The spoof is absolutely hilarious and will put you in stitches.

Korean-American actor John Cho plays "Harold" and Indo-American actor Sal Penn plays "Kumar." Good spoof. Hilarious but very revealing about America and American culture from an Asian-American fun perspective. Click on my earlier blog about "Harold and Kumar."

Friday, April 25, 2008

Bastards,Vrai Batards ! ! CNN-Amnesty International-Speaker Nancy Pelosi-Reporters without Borders -Tibetan Youth Congress-Remember May 4th, 1919五四运动

As the poem below from a Chinese patriot said, "Enough is Enough !"

The netizens in the Global Huaren community have seen enough of China Bashing, China Demonization, Chinaman lynching from the WEST and their minions, their "running dogs" in the EAST. The descendants of the Yellow Emperor, inside China and the global Diaspora will remember April, 2008.

We remember London. We remember Paris. We remember San Francisco. And we remember Nagano. We remember China's friends and China's enemies.
We remember May 4, 1919. And April, 2008 is deja vu ! 五四运动 !

Nous Tous ne Pas Oblier May 4th, 1919. And April, 2008 ! A new Culture resurgence movement in China and outside in the Diaspora begins ! 五四运动 ! With or without its government officials. Beyond the machiavellian politics from the WEST.


That "Mutt and Jeff" switcheroo arm-twisting from Western government leaders will backfire. Because the eyes of China's youths and especially its netizens, inside and overseas, are not as naive as the Western news media think we are.

China's youths will never forget May 4th, 1919. And April, 2008 ! Click on and learn:

The buzz over a Chinese patriot and his POEM resonating among all Global Chinese sick and tired of Western "China Bashing" - here's the poem Encore !

Monday, April 21, 2008

Here again in response to all global Huarens clamor to hear the POEM again, is its powerful message: firm, loud, and clear :
"Enough is Enough!"
" A poem from a Chinese patriot up to his "Yin-Yang" from 'China Bashing' responding against the WEST "

"When we were the Sick Man of Asia, We were called The Yellow Peril. When we are billed to be the next Superpower, we are called The Threat. When we closed our doors, you smuggled opium to open markets. When we embrace Free Trade, You blame us for taking away your jobs. When we were falling apart, You marched in your troops and wanted your fair share. ""When we tried to put the broken pieces back together again, Free Tibet you screamed, "It Was an Invasion!

"When we tried Communism, you hated us for being Communist. When we embrace Capitalism, you hate us for being Capitalist. When we have a billion people, you said we were destroying the planet. When we tried limiting our numbers, you said we abused human rights. When we were poor, you thought we were dogs. When we loan you cash, you blame us for your national debts. When we build our industries, you call us Polluters. When we sell you goods, you blame us for global warming. When we buy oil, you call it exploitation and genocide. "

"When you go to war for oil, you call it liberation. When we were lost in chaos and rampage, you demanded rules of law. When we uphold law and order against violence, you call it violating human rights. When we were silent, you said you wanted us to have free speech. When we are silent no more, you say we are brainwashed-xenophobics.

Why do you hate us so much, we asked. No, you answered, we don't hate you. We don't hate you either, But, do you understand us? Of course we do, you said, We have AFP, CNN and BBC's.. "What do you really want from us? Think hard first, then answer... Because you only get so many chances.

Enough is Enough ! Enough Hypocrisy for This One World. We want One World, One Dream, and Peace on Earth. This Big Blue Earth is Big Enough for all of Us.

Old American Media fading fast; New Media eating the lunch of the New York Times

Top 10 News and Media Category Websites Ranked By US Market Share of Visits
Hitwise News and Media Category Weekly Report 1

Note - the Hitwise data featured is based on US market share of visits, which is the percentage of online traffic to the domain or category,from the Hitwise sample of 10 million US Internet users. Hitwise ranks over 1 million unique websites on a daily basis, including subdomains
of larger websites. Hitwise categorizes websites into industries on the basis of subject matter and content, as well as marketorientation and competitive context. These rankings are based on individual urls and not network aggregations of websites.

*The market share of visits percentage for, and does not include traffic to sub domains of these websites which are reported on separately.
Source: Hitwise
Note: DNR = Did Not Rank
Rank Website Domain Market Share 04/12

Just as Spatium Trientis pointed out, the U.S. mainstream news media is reeling from deep structural problems from the new age of the net and blogosphere.

The buzz in blogosphere is that the New York Times is hemorrhaging so badly, deep in red ink, because of dwindling ad revenues. Good. Excellent. Couldn't happen better to Old Media warped in their perverted old mindset of Western hubris and White Euro-supremacy.

It's rival, NEWS CORPORATION, owned by Rupert Murdoch and his world-wide behemoth media empire, is gloating at the NYT's sunset and decline. Rupert is the "master" and on top of his game; and with his acquisition of Wall Street Journal, Fox News, MySpace Phoenix, and a slew of media in fading United Kingdom, Rupert is killing old media in the Western world, especially CNN-Time-Warner, which keeps hiring dumb jackasses like Jack Cafferty, trapped in their warped world of hubris, arrogance, and ignorance.

One of Rupert's local newspaper in NYC, the NY Post, has one of its media reporters disclose the impending "mass firings" big time, from within the New York Times. Click on the latest buzz from the NY Post:
Consider that the internet news media now has trumped old media, especially print, as Americans' primary source of news and information. Just consider that Yahoo! News has superceded all old media. (based on Hitwise media, an internet media reporting organization).

Top 10 News and Media Category Websites Ranked By US Market Share of Visits:

1. Yahoo! News 6.65% 1
2. The Weather Channel - US 4.08% 2
3. 3.35% 3
4. MSNBC 2.99% 4
5. Google News 2.05% 5
6. The New York Times 1.89% 7
7. Yahoo! Weather 1.82% 6
8. Drudge Report 1.64% 9
9. Fox News 1.61% 8
10. People Magazine 1.10% 10
Based on Hitwise United States data

And still old mainstream American news media, such as CNN, New York Times, ABC, and NBC can't get a grip on reporting the news about China and the non-Western world.

Yahoo! Google, and YouTube have taken over and eatern their lunches.

And coming up from the net rapidly are bloggers, blogosphere, and citizen journalism.

Craig Newhart is coming soon with Craigslist "citizen journalism" in blogosphere soon.

TGIF ! Forget the beer. Be a proud Asian-American - "Watch model minorities anti-heroes "Harold and Kumar escape from Guantanamo Bay"

Today is the big day. TGIF.
And Omi Tofu.

After all the piling, screaming, insults heaped by the American mainstream news media, about Chinaman "spies" convoyed by the busloads by our local Chinese Consulate to stage a "publicity stunt" to welcome the Olympics torch to San Francisco..... that we ethnic Chinese have invaded "their" city of San Francisco, after London, Paris, and the "uncivil" and rude hooliganism of "China bashers" out there attempting to ambush the Olympics torch, it is time to take a little break away from the barricades. And Canbrerra shows that the momentum has shifted. Take a break, those of us who support the Chinese peoples' hosting of Beijing Olympics 2008.

Good grief. O mi Tofu. It's time to invade the theaters instead of the streets of San Francisco.
And let's not scare the rest of non-Chinese San Francisco that we are the "yellow horde" spreading our "yellow peril" in our local movie theaters. And poisoning America's beloved dogs.

Our Asian-Pacific American "cult heroes," Harold and Kumar, are now in your local movie house, with today's theater release and premierre of their new film, "Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo," a hilarious spoof on post 9-11 America, suffering from Islamophobia and Asianophobia.

Watch the trailer by clicking on :

And read a NYT review of this film about two Asian-Americans bongheads "dumbing down" in stupid and paranoid America:

I won't go into great details about about Harold and Kumar' s new spoof about America. I have done an earlier blog two days ago on April 23, which you can readily retrieve and click on to read en toto:

Enjoy the movie. And don't forget to bring your char-siu-bao, in lieu of hamburgers and fries.
And if you happen to have the misfortune of a brief sighting of the Dalai Lama's reincarnate in one San Francisco supervisor by the name of Supervisor Chris Daly, aka Chris Dalai, tell "His San Francisco Holliness" to take a hike, or better yet, jump off the Golden Gate Bridge for me.

And tell Chris Dalai that you don't appreciate his mau-mau "Alarm and Protest" San Francisco city resolution bashing China on its human rights policies. And tell him that San Francisco has no standing at all to moralize nor hector on human rights issues since San Franciscans don't respect human rights in San Francisco either.

Will ya ?

Global Chinese in Blogosphere debate re: Homeland Chinese and Diasporic Chinese and their views towards CHINA INC.and WALL STREET-WEST $$$ hegemony

Here's an interesting exchange in blogosphere about the Chinese diaspora and global finance underpined by on component, i.e. U.S.-China relations involving China's "Sovereign Wealth Funds" invested in the U.S. -West financial sectors in Wall Street and European bourses, and whether or not China's "money men" should shift their strategy from the U.S. -West hegemonistic control of global finance into into a more "Asian-centered" or "non-West" investment strategy, given the recent turmoil in Wall Street. There are "brainiacs" out there among Global Chinese learning and improving on their plays.

The conversation in blogosphere is between two Chinese expats David Chiang "DC" ( an ethnic Chinese Diasporic Chinese from Malaysia) and Joseph Wang "Twofish" (Wall Street apologist/astrophysicist from Austin, Texas- a Chinese-American)

DC: The Beijing government is better suited to represent the interests of the 80 million Chinese diasporia in Southeast Asia than the US Treasury controlled IMF, don't you think?

Twofish: That's not clear. If the interests of the Chinese diaspora conflict with the interests of homeland Chinese, then Beijing will listen to homeland Chinese first. In particular, I don't think it is good for the PRC either for itself or for overseas Chinese to present itself as the protector of overseas Chinese since this could cause a backlash.Anyway it is *NOT* a good idea from my self-interest for present *ANY* economic issue as US versus Chinese, because if I do that, someone is going to think of me as a traitor.

DC: China will never attempt to establish global hegemony like the US, but China will certainly regain its historic role as the dominant Asian economic power.

Twofish: I don't think it ever will be the dominant Asian economic power. China is going to have to share power with India, Japan, Russia, and United States. Also it has to behave in a way that does not alarm Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand and the other ASEAN states.This is an example of how the interests of homeland Chinese and diaspora Chinese outside of China, among huarens, may conflict. Beijing really has no interest in asserting any sort of political or economic influence over Malaysia for exmaple, and has no interest in displacing the United States or India as a power in Southeast Asia. This may conflict with the wishes of ethnic in Chinese in southeast Asia who want China to take a much more active role.Also the interests in diaspora Chinese conflict with each other. I personally would be in *DEEP* trouble if the US and China got into any sort of economic or political conflict, and so I'm going to do everything that I can to keep that from happening, and I think that view is shared by most Chinese-Americans. Also since I live in the United States and have US citizenship, I'm hardly in a position where I can argue that the US should be less powerful. Wiser in the use of its power, yes. But less powerful, no. Also, having lived in the US, I have a sense of how powerful the US really us, and how very, very, very stupid it would be to fight it. People that think that the US is going to collapse in the next 10 or the next 50 years are really kidding themselves. Yes you can point to the 100 stupid things that the US is doing, but the point is that the US can do 100 stupid things and still be a superpower whereas if China does two stupid things, it's finished.

This means that I get into constant internet arguments with ethnic Chinese from Malaysia who have different goals and want China to have a more Asia-centered policy, and I think sharply underestimate how powerful the US is.This does have an impact on "homeland politics" since the finance and commerce ministries of the PRC are staffed with returnees from Wall Street, and I don't think that a lot of the anti-globalist sentiments that I've found among Malaysian Chinese really hold that much currency among them.
Written by Twofish on 2008-04-23 16:58:21

The buzz in China's blogosphere about filing a class action libel/defamation suit in China vs. CNN and Cafferty in a Chinese Forum under Chinese laws

There's a lot of buzz about a lawsuit I hear from my friends in China at Spatium Trientis on the story that Beijing lawyers in China are contemplating filing a class action for libel and defamation on behalf of all 1.3 Chinese peoples against CNN's Jack Cafferty and the CNN news organization to be filed in Chinese courts.

Holy egg rolls ! CNN and Cafferty can't pay those "yellow horde" spreading "yellow peril." Call for our "White Knights in Shining White Armors in their White Horses to the defense." The "Dream Team" a la O.J. Simpson ? Who can appear in Chinese courts and speak Chinese ? Not English ?

This is a fascinating test on the laws about defamation from a different non-Euro "cultural perspective," not just "cultural defense," but now based on how cultures affect the laws about defamation. The Europeanized concept of free speech is expansive.

The rule of law ? "Eat your tofu and poisoned pet food," Jack Cafferty.

In fact, I have always derisively called America's free speech laws "Constitutional protected right to be dumb and stupid" under our First Amendment. Free speech in America is increasingly equated as recklessly irresponsible speech, unthoughtful and bigoted and downright vulgar.

But that's America for you. Every one is guranteed right to be stupid under the Constitution. Even a dumb white ass like Jack Cafferty.

The Beijing lawsuit against Cafferty and CNN will underscore the growing wide divide between how Americans view "free speech" even if the speech is reckless and irresponsible and directed against a mass of people instead of a definnable, identifiable group small enough to come within the ambit of libel laws. And clearly, Cafferty's intemperate remarks about those "goons" sending us junk and poisoned cat food are "dumb ass" racist.

In Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew, the statesman and still surviving founder of modern Singapore, has filed numerous libel suits, including several against the Wall Street Journal, for its reporters slanderous and libelous attacks against him as a Singaporean political leader.

For Americans too dumb to even have heard of the name of Lee Kuan Yew, of Singapore, try wiki him at Wikipedia, and look at how he had successfully sued many libelous news media and individuals under Singapore's libel laws on paragraph 8.2 about him. Wiki by clicking

But given the expansive laws in the U.S. , federal or state-wide, under our Europeanized concept of free speech, I doubt that in California courts, the lawsuit can be sustained. Worse, it will probably be thrown out of court because of our onerous laws in California protecting so-called free speech even if that speech is reckless, racist, and irresponsible.

Here's the layman's rules under our Anti-SLAPP statutes in California from Wikipedia; click on:

U.S. state of California enacted Code of Civil Procedure § 425.16 in 1992, a statute intended to prevent the misuse of litigation in SLAPP suits. It provides for a special motion which a defendant can file at the outset of a lawsuit to strike a complaint where the complaint arises from conduct that falls within the rights of petition or free speech. The statute expressly applies to any writing or speech made in connection with an issue under consideration or review by a legislative, executive, or judicial proceeding, or any other official proceeding authorized by law, but there is no requirement that the writing or speech be promulgated directly to the official body. It also applies to speech in a public forum about an issue of public interest and to any other petition or speech conduct about an issue of public interest.

The filing of an anti-SLAPP motion prevents the plaintiff from amending the complaint and stays all
discovery. If the special motion is denied, the filing of an appeal immediately stays the trial court proceedings as to each challenged cause of action. Defendants prevailing on an anti-SLAPP motion (including any subsequent appeal) are entitled to a mandatory award of reasonable attorney’s fees. More than 200 published court opinions have interpreted and applied California's anti-SLAPP law.

Code of Civil Procedure § 425.17 corrects abuse of the anti-SLAPP statute (CCP § 425.16). Signed into law on September 6, 2003, this statute prohibits anti-SLAPP motions in response to certain public interest lawsuits and class actions, and actions that arise from commercial statements or conduct. Section 425.18, signed into law on October 6, 2005, was enacted to facilitate SLAPP victims in recovering their damages through a SLAPPback (malicious prosecution action) against the SLAPP filers and their attorneys after the underlying SLAPP has been dismissed.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

"Crackpots and Bongheads" Why I have my doubts that BO - Hilary and the Democrats can get their acts together to lead America out of its deep abyss

I have to confess that I am a registered Democrat, and I voted for BO (Barrack Obama) during the presidendial primaries in California in February. I changed my mind. I am flushing my ballot down the toilet come November.

As the campaign went on, and on, and on, I am not only suffering from "spin" overload, media manipulation, deceptive campaign soundbites, and worse, "pandering" "parsing" and "pay to play" politics which have come to characterize democracy "American style" at its most banal, "dumbed-down," and "manipulative" worst.

I don't see a real human being in BO, or Hilary anymore, but a package with a brand-name. It is all marketing hype. Spin. Soundbites. Pandering to get votes from a dumbed-down American electorate, too stupid to see what's happening within their own society, thanks to a dumbed-down, socially irresponsible, and sensationistic Free Press, more into Britney Spears not wearing panties, and George Clooney's and his "rat pack" antics. What a crock of b.s. or "mi, tian, gong," as we Chinese call it.

For Americans to try to hector the developing world in the non-WEST, I say "Shove it." Most of y'all folks ain't got it anymore. And Westerners are mired in a civilization in distress because of their spiritual vapidity.

America is in deep "doo-doo." And our country's leaders, instead of confronting the nation's own domestic big mess, are "talking the nonsense talk," but not "walking the walk," and "doing the do." Go beyond the rhetoric of Obama's pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr. statements:

"The government gives them [African Americans] the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strikes law and then wants us to sing 'God bless America,' No, no, no, not 'God bless America,' God damn America. That's in the Bible, you're killing innocent people. God damn America for treating us citizens as less than human."
And, after 9/11:
"We bombed Hiroshima, we bombed Nagasaki and we nuked far more than the thousands in New York and the Pentagon, and we never batted an eye...America's chickens are coming home to roost."

What came out of the Rev. Wright Jr.'s mouth have to be viewed in context, coming from a Black man pained and tormented by the racial injustice and hubris he saw within America. Look beyond the words, but the metaphor behind how many Black Americans see racial justice within American today. And today, much of the same pain and torment have similarly been spewed by China's youth in the West "dissing" of their own society. Folks, look beyond the rhetoric. Feel the pain, as the Clintons once felt the pain of the ordinary working stiffs of America --- stressed by a collaspsing economy, can't pay their bills, losing their house to foreclosures.

In the meantime, the rich keeps getting richer; and the politicians within Congress keeps demagoguing with nonsense issues about human rights in China, "Save Darfur," "Save Burma."

Save America first. Save your own asses first. I say along the same passion for hyperpole of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr. God bless Black America and the Black American churches. And Obama be damned for playing "cutesy"with y'all white folks who can't stand Black rhetoric in the Church pew. That's real, man. That's the truth and nuthing but the Goddamn truth.

Democracy American style is no longer about that "vision" thing where leaders talk straight and level with the electorate -- with the good and the bad, and where the country is headed and how the candidates and their parties can bring forth the flock to the "promised land."

That said, I am becoming more skeptical and close to becoming a cynic that America's precipitous decline as a civil society or even a coherent political community is even sustainable anymore.

Instead of a vibrant democracy, what we are seeing is a "dumbed down" democracy, with a "dumbed down" citizenry, more into imagery, "soundbites," than into probative debate about where the society, as a whole, is headed.

This decline has been ongoing since America's quagmire in Vietnam. I know, I was part of that "boomer generation." And since then, after three wars in that region, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, and now into Iraq, and soon to be Iran, the collaspe of America is happening right before my own eyes, in Spatium Trientis.

History has revealed to us that empires rise and fall for reasons which may not be readily clear by those mired in the middle of that experience, because of myopia. Look at the Brits, the Dutch, the Spaniards, the Portuguese, and how diminished they are today, debtors to their former colonies in the Arab and Asia-Pacific emerging countries and economies.

The last time I visited China, I picked up a copy of one of the best documentary series scripted and produced by some of China's most talented academics precisely on this subject of the rise and fall of empires. And I learned something looking at America from the outside.

But more and more, I am having severe doubts that either BO, or Hilary, or any of the Democratic Party leaders, least of all Madame Speaker Nancy Pelosi, can steer America and its citizens away from the shoals of our seriously declining society. Madame Speaker, is the "Gucci" activist on human rights in the West that I have come to despise. "Feed those poor yellow and brown people some "bird seeds" Dear." And ditto with the Richard Geres, George Clooneys, and Mia Farrows, all "Gucci" activists.

The parochialism, insularity, and downright ignorance of Americans and their leaders about the Non-Western world is downright disgusting. And at this time, at this juncture, what Americans have done in terms of insulting the Chinese people over their hosting of the Beijing Games on 08/08/08 is not only vulgar, boorish, but downright stupid.

Globalization is upon us; while other developing countries, including China, India, Vietnam, and other non-Western societies are embracing it, Americans as a whole seems to be living in fear, and worse, downright mortified by a sense of paranoia that as the shifts sent shock waves and reverberations through the Western Euro-world and especially America, Americans are withdrawing, hurtful, rude, xenophobic, and worse, becoming rabid racists against any others who don't subscribe to their "Europeanized" view of what globalization is all about, or about their "Europeanised" views about human rights, sexual rights, or animal rights. Good grief. Animal rights trumps human rights. Don't feed my dog poisonous food, while the rest of the third world can't feed their babies.

From the demagoguery of the highest ranking Democratic Party official, Madame Speaker Nancy Pelosi, hectoring China about human rights issues, to Hilary and BO screaming "Bloody Coca Cola" pandering to America's dumbed-down special interest groups, clamoring for President George W. Bush to boycott the Olympics opening ceremonies in Beijing on 08/08/08, the China bashing from Democratic leaders from the nation's highest echelons, have been relentless and downright stupid and opportunistic.

It is demogoguery at its worse, rather than confronting America's fundamental problems of erosion of competitiveness, inability to cope with the needed "brain power" and "brawn power" that other societies have been able to harness and move forward, including CHINDIA, i.e. China and India, America and Americans aren't seizing the moment to reform from within and attempt to overhaul its sick social-political culture of indolence, insolence, and vulgarity.

Get real, folks. English ain't even my first language, and I am more eloquent than some of your native-born "real Americans," who can't communicate nor articulate beyond curse words, like the "F" and "S" words.

Look no further than within your own homes -- look at the increaing banality, vulgarity, and hedonistic perversity of America's youths, in schools that have turned into zoos, streets which have turned into urban jungles of random violence, drug dealings, and rip-off vandal world.

In the campuses, on one weekend alone, over 5,000 bongheads, hooked on marijuana last weekend, congregated at the University of California, Santa Cruz campus, to do a dope-out, commemorating 4-20, with abandon. And this dope parties extended all the way across America's educational institutions of higher learning, including University of Colorado.

Higher learning ? Yes, "Getting High" and no learning !

Global warming ? Or Global Warning ? with an "N" not an "M"?

What has America's youth come to ? And our Baby-boomer parents think it is cool ? And chic ? For their kids to be hooked on dope ? And what else other drugs that's out there ? Have our baby boomer parents abdicated on their parental responsibility? And have their children likewise abdicated ? Give 'em their beemies and credit cards to splurge further.

Today, more American kids are born out of wedlock, than in wedlock. It has become a chic lifetyle statement to be "out" of marriage, than to be "in." And think about all those "little monsters" who will grow up to be "big monsters." No wonder America's streets are no longer safe nowadays. Talk about human rights.

Think about Opium, and what China went through a hundred fifty years ago ! Deja Vu. Seen it, done it, and didn't like it -- the Chinese people are saying to us Americans.

And here we are, it has become quite Hollywood to celebrate dope, booze, and vapidness in American values in American movies. Crack is cool. Bong is cool. And cocaine is super cool.

Thank goodness, America.

It is not just Iraq. Nor is it about the economy, Stupid. It is fundamentally the unraveling of civil society, and the breakdown of the "social compact" by what used to be a country known for "e pluribus unum." I don't see the "unum" anymore. And to compound the problem, the cultural blinders and idiocy of Americans in general about the outside world, as it is, is just astoundingly stupid, if not full of hubris and arrogance.

As I write this, gasoline in California has hit the US$ 4 gallon mark; of course most Europeans would say, "that's chump change" compared to European prices for gasoline. Wall Street has imploded and America's financial system is under stress by looting, plundering, and fiscal mismanagemnt caused primarily by greed, mismanagement, and collusion between those in the power circles who dominate the Washington beltway and Wall Street.

Johnny "Six Pack" and Suzie "Cup Cake" are financially stressed, losing their homes and cars, and soon can't afford their beer and pizza. Pretty soon, they can't even afford to go to the ball games, and have to be reconciled to watching it on the boob tube. And becoming more boobsy.

The deindustrialization and hollowing out of America's core economy are massively causing severe dislocations, plant closures, and unemployment in America's heartlands. And America's blue collar workers are no longer able to compete. Look at Detroit, Michigan and Cleveland, Ohio.

The brown and yellow people are working harder, longer hours, at lower pay, and eating the white folks and black folks' lunches within America and offshore. Eat your lunches !

In our urban centers, the schools are broken; the streets are full of bums, crackpots, crackheads, and aggressive panhandlers. Drive-bys are seeing more casualties and fatalities every night which are in shocking numbers exceeding those war combattants in Iraq.

In fact, U.S. military medics are now undergoing field training on trauma wounds by first-hand experience in cities like Philadelphia, Oakland, where drive-by gang shoot-outs occur more frequently every single evening in America's urban inner cities.

Just think Oakland, California = Violence, Homicide, Drive-Bys.

And our street bums, crackpots, and crack addicts ? Wallowing in America' favorite city, our great liberal city of San Francisco ?

As a American of ethnic Chinese descent living here, I often ask, "Where are their family members ? Where are their parents ? their sons and daughters? Their brothers and sisters? Their uncles and aunts ? Their cousins ? Their nephews and nephews ?

What happened ? Where's family values and the supportive network that most Asian societies and the non-European world, and the Islamic world so cherish and nurture ?

But consider the America I am now experiencing from my vantage point. It is not a pretty picture.

And here, we want to pick a fight with China and the Chinese.

Gimme me a break. But for the yellow and brown people around the world, and in the United States in the form of yellow and brown "brain" and "brawn" power, America starves.

Get real. And for Democrats. Stop your China Bashing and Chinaman Lynching.

China and the Chinese People is not your enemy.

You are your own worse enemy. Clean up your own mess in your own backyard.

Clean up after Katrina in New Orleans. Take care of your inner city poor, many of whom are your former slaves, who are now clamoring for racial justice.

Global warming ? More like Global Warning to me.

Talk is cheap. But rice ain't cheap no more to many of us in the non-Western world.

Human rights ? Yes. But at this time, at this juncture, "Human rice' is more important.

Give us rice. Give us rice. And stop driving those humonguous SUVs.

America is less than 5% of the world's population but consumes 60% of the world's resources.

America has less than 5 percent of the world’s population but almost a quarter of its prisoners.

What human rights ? Get real !

As Pogo the cartoon character said, "I have seen the enemy and he is "us."

"What's the matter with TIBET?" by Canadian writer Lisa Carducci on the disconnect between Tibetans born in Nepal vs. Tibetans inside China

It is one thing to be interested in Tibet, as most of my acquaintances are. It is another to have totally prejudiced views, which unfortunately is the case with most of them.

Only a handful are honest enough to hold their opinions until they visit Tibet and see things with their own eyes. Some others hear only what they want to hear and what doesn't disturb their "Tibetan imagination".

Here is an example. A Canadian friend of mine, a university professor, went to Tibet in May 1997. He later told me that his group had been sent away from a Tibetan restaurant by the police and directed to a Han establishment.

The reason, according to him, was racism, an attempt to "break" the "Tibetan nation". His immediate analysis - before he understood a word of what was going on - was obviously based on prejudice.

I was not there and didn't see what happened. But after discussing the fact with Han and Tibetan people who knew better, we all concluded that the real cause might have been one or more of the following: the owner of the Tibetan restaurant had no permit; he had not paid his taxes; the place was not hygienic enough for foreigners; the owner and the policeman had a personal dispute; or the owner was trafficking ancient tangka, a kind of Tibetan painting.

We also tend to assume that all Tibetans are the same and feel and act the same way. Far from it. Those I met in Tibet or in Xiahe county of Gansu province seem not interested in politics. They live happily and quietly, and have no complaints about the central government as long as their lives continue to prosper year after year.

At the village of Tashiling in Nepal, instead, the Tibetan women I chatted with for two hours at the market had different stories to tell.

The major difference between them and the Tibetans living in China is that the Tibetans in Nepal think that "the Hans invaded Tibet and forced them to flee the country".

The woman who spoke better Chinese and served as an interpreter for the group said: "When our country is free, we'll go back immediately and get good jobs! Do you think this is a life, what we do here? Commerce!"

I took pity on her because she seemed to have been completely swayed by anti-China propaganda. I told her that all the Tibetans I had met earlier knew very well what the central government of China had done for them and appreciated it.

"I'm sorry to tell you," I said, "that you fool yourself if you think that your Tibetan fellows inside the country think the same way you do and support your efforts for independence."

She stared at me, her eyes wide open. "Have you ever been to Tibet?"

"Of course! If not, how could I speak like this?" She remained silent a moment, then said: "Every year on March 10, the Tibetans of the world march for independence. If you go to Tibet on that day, you'll see the Chinese army killing so many people in the streets."

If there was any truth in her words, I thought, I must have been transported to another planet.

"We have seen photos, and videos," she continued. "Every year we see them."

"Who took these photos?"

"Foreigners. From other places."

I calmed down, before asking: "Are you sure these photos and films were taken recently? They may be from the 'cultural revolution' period when Tibetans just as other Chinese suffered and were treated badly. Or during the civil rebellion in 1959? Might you not have been deceived? Maybe they show you the same pictures year after year? Maybe the photos were altered?"

As a spokesperson of her group, she turned around, and said: "It's possible, but we have no means of checking."

"Might these activist friends of the Dalai Lama," I continued, "be the authors of the photocopied letters on the board at the village entrance, issued by 'His Holiness Dalai Lama's office'? And the inscription 'Chinese, leave', who do you think wrote it?"

I explained to them all the changes that had happened in Tibet and talked about all the money invested by the central government into reconstruction and development, the progress in education, the religious freedom, the improvement of health, society, life, and they were astonished. Apparently, no one had ever spoken to them like this.

"Do you believe me?" I asked.

"I believe you because you are a foreigner," said the woman, "not a member of the communist party. Are you?"

"You can trust me. I tell you only what I have seen. Tibet is a beautiful and peaceful place where people sing while they work, where people smile and enjoy life."

The younger ones among them were born in Nepal; others had fled Tibet to go to Nepal in the 1950s and never returned to Tibet. They have no passports; of course they cannot enter China.

I then visited a temple where a young 17-year-old monk said that his greatest aspiration was to see Tibet. He thought monks were arrested, jailed or even killed in China, his thought based on the fact that his friend went there and never returned.

"I'll tell you something, young man. Your friend may have been arrested because he entered a country illegally. But if you never heard from him after that, don't you think he might have accomplished his great desire: to see Tibet. He may be living in a monastery there!"

He bowed his head and said, "I wish I had such a chance!"

Finally, I realized that the Tibetans outside Tibet are the victims not only of ignorance but of a well-organized campaign of misinformation. And it struck me that it may be the same for the Dalai Lama.

The Dalai Lama, who left the country when he was still very young and under the influence of a group, and never saw Tibet with his own eyes later in life to be able to judge things for himself, is also a poor victim - much like the woman at the village market.

Special report: Tibet: Its Past and Present

Pick up the May, 2008 issue of National Geographic - Cover Story devoted to China stories from its perspective

Remember what I said about Albert Camus' thoughtful words, "To Write is to Choose."

Well, read on National Geographic's latest May, 2008 issue, which is devoted to China coverage.

The hyperlink online is:

Welcome to China and open your hearts and minds to this fascinating country trying to take its rightful place as citizens of the world in a new world of globalization.

It may not be ideal yet; but don't worry, the Chinese people, with inside and outside help, will get there, and will hope to get to "promised land," soon.

In the meantime, WEST. Take care of your own "Tarnished Land;" while China and its people pursues their "Promised Land" in their own way, trying to solve their own enormous problems of growth. But you know what ? That's the Chinese peoples' problems. Not your problems.

Take care of your own problems in the Western world.

Chinese Internet Users exceed those in the U.S. and they are madder than hell against China Bashing and Piling from the West

The scale and massiveness of the net users in China, inside and outside among 1.4 billion people, scattered around the world, is phenomenal.

And most Western news media today don't have a clue.

Consider that Yahoo, Google, and YouTube are now the new media, combined with Ali Baba, Sinacom, Sohu, and a host of new media inside China; and Chinese netizens are savvier and madder than hell about what they are seeing in London, Paris, and San Francisco in the insults heaped upon China and its people.

This story has grown legs of their own. And among over 240 netizens, there is a new "culture shift" in the making.

June 4th, 1989 was a cable TV event; CNN trumps all media in its coverage. Then, China's youth supported the protesters.

This time around, on "Black" April, the week surrounding the Olympics torch relay happenings in London, Paris, and San Francisco, youths in China are reacting against insults heaped by the West against the Beijing Olympics games on 08/08/08.

And unlike June 4th Tienanmen, this time, China's youth are supporting their own country and society to protest against Western bias, bigotry, arrogance, in their uncivil hectoring through their "biased lenses" against China over "Tibet," "Dafur" and a host of human rights, environmental issues.

Set aside the merits, hyperbole, or the demerits of these issues, the bashing from the WEST has backfired. Instead of achieving its aim to engage China's officials to a dialogue, it has stiffened resistance not just among Chinese officialdom, but tick off the ordinary masses and youths of China.

And the Dalai Lama's gambit to ignite his "saffron revolution" inside TIBET, has ended up as a "dud" and other than in the Western world, His Holluness has no market in China or in the non-Western world. No Chinese inside or outside China belives what the Dolly said and cannot reconcile what his troops do with the "I" word.

This time, China's youths are not naively persuaded by the Western news media, least of all CNN.

On that contrary, they are madder than hell against CNN. And this time, Ted Turner is no longer in charge of CNN-Time Warner. At least in 1989, Ted Turner has more common sense than the present CNN-Time Warner management which do not have a clue.

What an irony; and what a "sea change." And the story is yet to be told.

Blogosphere is full of mobilized and energized netizens from inside and outside China. And as (through its Reuters news service) reports, the scale of internet users has yet to be reported much less understood; click on:

Welcome to blogosphere. Welcome to the new world of globalization and new media.

You ain't seen nuthing yet. The fat lady has not sung.

"Gu-tenmorugen!" - to my Nippon Furenzu from a Chuugokujin Netizen overseas - " Learn from history, we remember May 4th, 1919 "

The eyes of the world are upon Japan this Saturday. And Nagano will be in the eyes of many who will see, witness, and experience how Japan and the Japanese people greet the Olympics torch relay in this historic watershed. Nagano will have to do its best to give "face" as a gracious host of the torch, in the proper Asian way, not Western way.

How Japan and its people will respond to the Olympics torch on its way to Beijing is also being closely watched by the Chuugokujins inside and outside of China, over 1.4 billion set of eyes and hears, inside China and globally around the world.

At this juncture, Japan-China relations is at a low ebb. And there is much blame to spread around from both sides. Just consider what your own newspaper, the Yomiuri Shinbun, reported on what can happen if the torch relay at Nagano this Saturday goes awry:

I, a Chuugokujin from overseas in the Chinese Diaspora, know how difficult it is. All fellow Asians like to remember the past while they are facing the future. And sometimes we tend to go overboard and forget that life must move on and go forward.

I have been watching Japanese society evolve in the last decade, also wracked by domestic problems associated with its high cost of living, increasingly ceding its competitiveness to its neighbors in Korea and China.

My father almost died during World War II, and like my father, my late mother also have a lot of war memories from this tragic world war which swept Asia-Pacific, and had caused so much pain and suffering from peoples in the region. I have heard and learned from their experiences.

That said, at this juncture, Japan and its people must now seize the moment and showcase to its Asian neighbors, in particular China, and the rest of its Asian-Pacific neighbors, e.g. Korea, Southeast Asia (Philippines) that as a nation and society, it is ready to put the past behind it, and move forward, in lockstop with the new World of globalization.

After, Japan is our Asian neighbor, right in our 'hood. Not the Western 'hood.

The dilemna, as I see it, as a Chuugokujin overseas looking inside Japan and Japanese society, is that Japan can't decide whether or not it wants to be East or to be West.

Japanese people are conflicting in their sense of identity as to whether they are "Easterners" or "Westerners," and consequently, because of this cultural ambidextrosity and schizophrenia, it is causing many Asians to look at Japanese as more "honorary white" than "Asian."

In a less civil way, the pejorative is "Yellow Monkeys." Beg your pardon.

I have always admired Japanese culture and the richness of its values and traditions. It's artistry, its discipline, and aesthetic taste are worshiped by many Chuugokujins who are Japanophiles. Many of our youths are fans of Japanese designs and innovations.

Japan has a reserve of ingenuity, design, and creative innovation which has made its products known throughout the world.

But there is something which has caused concern among many Chukokujins and other Asian Pacific peoples in the region about Japan and the Japanese people.

And as a friend of the Japanese people, I want to talk straight to my Japanese "furenzus."

This Saturday, "Don't be London. Don't be Paris. and Absolutely don't be San Francisco."

Nagano must do better than the Europeans and Americans.

And learn from the Aussies. In Canbrerra, the Aussies saw how the global chuugokujins, especially the Aussie chuugokujin, rallied and mobilized to protect the Olympics torch in Canbrerra.

It is a signal that for many chuugokujins, inside and outside of China, regardless of how they feel about politics and all the problems inside China, we all are proud, as a people, to be hosting the Beijing Olympics on 08/08/08.

Give us some "face." My Nippon Furenjus.

I respectfully ask of you in Japan and Nagano:

"BE CIVIL. BE POLITE. And BE MINDFUL that it is the Chinese peoples who are host to the Beijing Olympics 2008."

Don't be like many of those rude and arrogant Germans, full of their "Aryan" supremacist attitude, e.g. German chancellor Angela Merkel.

Don't be like the Brits, still living the glory and past of their colonial history, unable to come to grips that China and its people are no longer the "sick men of Asia."

Don't be like the French, boorish, vulgar, and not the "Paris," which used to be the cradle of civility, and genteel Europe. Not anymore; and Parisians have shown on April 7, that they have insulted not just China but its people, by their attack upon a Chinese paralympic athlete near the Eiffel Tower. Shame on France. The French has screwed themselves royally with their boorish hooliganism in the Paris leg of the Olympics torch relay. Shame on Sarkozy ("Elvis").

And Don't be like the Americans. Many of whom are dumb, ignorant, and don't even know where TIBET is located in the map; yet, they are protesting against China's human rights abuses. Gimme a break. The Americans have more problems inside their backyard at this time.

Japan and the Japanese can do much better. And I know they must do better.

If the Japanese people can only accept that they are Asians. Not Westerners. And that they are part of Asia-Pacific, and want to take their rightful place as a responsible neighbor to their fellow Asians-Pacific People. Now is the time. Now is the watershed.

Learn from history. Remember May 4th, 1919. If our Nippon youths don't remember what May 4th is all about, Wiki it at:

The West and its history-amnesic peoples might not remember May 4th. But we chuugokujins all remember.

Gurache, sankyu.merushi-supashi-bo.