Monday, May 19, 2008

"What's your problem, mate? What's wrong with Wo Ai Zhong Hua 我爱中华 ?"

I want you to read this piece of commenary by one Michael Fullilove, an Aussie academic now a visiting fellow with the Brookings Institutution, a liberal-centrist "think tank" in Washington D.C.

This Westerner posits the utterly ludicruous and absurd view that the ethnic Chinese in the diasporic communities around the globe who rallied and supported the Beijing Olympics games and protected the torch in its various stops recently were the aggressors.

He again rehashed the ridiculous view that the Chinese consulates in many cities mobilized and bused in the ethnic diasporic Chinese overseas to support China and the Olympics torch, and that they had aggressively attacked protesters in Seoul, in Canbrerra during these various stops of the Olympics torch through these various foreign cities. What kind of crock is this ?

What a ludricruous piece of disinformation coming from a distorted arrogant Western mind, through his utterly biased prism. Again, full of Western hubris, arrogance, surliness and haughtiness.

Mr. Fullilove further posits that : " if the diaspora consciousness of overseas Chinese were to harden permanently into the kind of aggressive nationalism seen recently, then international public opinion would turn and interstate friction likely follow. In that case, the diaspora could end up reducing China's influence, rather than multiplying it."

Hey, mate. What are you talking about ? Aggresive nationalism ? Who's aggressing who ?

Who were the aggressors and who were the aggressees in London, Paris, and San Francisco, to begin with, pray tell ? Who were the ones who started the bullying and who became the shills amplifying this China hate and demonization, mate ?

This wicked myopia and warped blindsidedness coming from this Western academic bespeaks an attitude which is supercilious and distorts the truths of what transpired with the Olympics torch.

The fact is ethnic Chinese overseas, as yan huang zi sun 炎黄子孙, are protecting the dignity of the Chinese people in hosting these Olympics games this year in Beijing.

Guess who is doing the bad-mouthing, the sabotaging, the hectoring, the disrespecting, and who's engaged in the strident China-bashing and demonization.

For this Fullilove to completely twist this around and attribute to the ethnic diasporic Chinese for engaging in "aggressive nationalism" is hogwash, and downright disinformation.

You be the judge. Read up on this drivel coming from another biased Westerner who can't stand and won't accept China's resurgence 文化复兴 Wen Hua Fu Xin !