Monday, May 12, 2008

Once again, China's new netizens prove up that they are savvy techies beating old media in spreading the news from Sichuan about 7.9 Earthquake !

In 1989, during 6/04/09, the Tiananmen protests were captured by CNN, cable TV. That encapsulation of the news in China has been superceded today by the net and microblogs from China's increasingly savvy youths and netizens. CNN is now a laggard. Worse, it is suffering from an incestuous inbreeding of "good ole white boys and girls" who are out of sync and out of the loop in the new world of globalization and especially in the non-Western world.

News of the Sichuan earthquake is being reported via microblogging, text messaging and online videos. And the use of microblogging services such as Twitter, Fanfou and iLaodao by China's savvy netizens have bypassed and superceded old media.

And here, the Western news media are still strapped by their old paradigm, which looks at China as being a "closed" society. And dumb horseasses such as Jack Cafferty are pontificating and giving "sound bites" from a warped time zone, frozen in their euro-backward putrid minds.

Who is kidding who? Free press in the West ? Or stupid and dumb Western press, falling by the wayside from old biases and stuck in the "old paradigm" of Western hubris ? Just look at the dumb Germans and how much disinformed and misinformation the German public is getting from their stupid biased media !

LOL, New York Times, the "old gray lady" can't keep up with microblogs, and the new media of "netizen" entreprising journalism from Asia using the net, adroitly and magnificently, without the heavy overload of overpaid, underworked, lazy "boneheads".