Tuesday, May 6, 2008

'Foot in Mouth' Al Gore, after saying he "invented the internet" is now saying Mymmar Cyclone Catastrophe caused by Global Warming LOL !

Other than Libertarian octagenarian Ron Paul, the American congressman from Texas who tells it like it is, and appears to be a genuinely honest American politician, I am beginning to feel more and more cynical with the steadily "dumbing down" of American politics, and the calibre of its political leaders.

Consider Al Gore, Nobel Prize Laurette, and Hollywood celebrity of Oscar documentary, "Inconvenient Truth," the man who could have been American President in lieu of Dubya Bush, but for "chads" and voter fraud and ineptitude in Florida's fiasco accompanying the presidential elections pitting W. Bush vs. Al Gore; since he got out of the "dumbed down" American political treadmill, Al Gore has not being trying to "do good" and is "doing well" in the "snake oil" pitch about "Green" and "Global Warming," all in the name of "sustainable development" and the Good Earth.

Hey -- I am an environmentlist too. We Asians have been scrimping all our lives, saving on newspapers, plaster bags, bottles, grocery bags, that even my own late grandmother still have stacks of these recycled stuff stashed away in our house.

But for the fact that our local health department bans using human manure to fertilize my backyard plants, I would have gladly volunteer to fertilize my plants with my own poop, as well as the poop from my neighbor's cats and dogs. And from the looks of things, many Americans nowadays are raising more cats and dogs than raising children. And yes, most of their pets, i.e. cats and dogs, seem to be accorded more "love and affection" than their own children.

All said, good ole "Foot in Mouth" Al Gore has once more weighed in, after proclaiming that he invented the "internet" that the Myammar Cyclone natural calamity which struck Myammar and its people these last several days was the consequence of "Global Warming."

Good grief.

The business of global warming, and its "snake oil" pitch has indeed generated a whole slew of bandwagons circling around the cause of "environmentalism" with a Capital "E".

Consider the following blog from Newsbusters, a blog site devoted to exposing liberal news bias and the "greens" being generated through its hype:

Many Westerners can't compete with CHINDIANS on the basic stuff anymore, whether on price, on industry, or on basic pay.

But when it comes to hype, marketing, and packaging, Westerns, including those "Green" hipsters still can sell dummies a lot of their "razzle-dazzle" stuff about Global Warming.

And the tie to Myammar's latest natural cyclone disaster is good for business for the Greens.

Isn't America wonderful ? Isn't Al Gore fantastic ?

The guy lives in a 10,000 sq. feet home, burns at least US$ 1,200 a month in electricty bills, in just one among many other homes he own, and he has the audacity to tell us poor folks in Asia about the connection between Global Warming and Cyclones, and Tsunamis.

LOL. How about the dikes and New Orleans' Katrina levee busts ? Americans still can't clean up their own mess, much less cope with the poor African-Americans left abandoned and distressed by their own government and own White folks after Katrina.