Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Peddling TIBETOMANIA - Bashing CHINA - the new "Pearl Buck" of Team Tibet- daughter of late Senator Patrick Moynihan, spews Sinophobia toxins on TV !

The White knights in shining White armours are here ! Click on their campaign to save the poor souls oppressed by human rights abusers, those yellow, slint-eyed devils in Hollywood movies otherwise known as "The Yellow Peril."

Click on their website to rally the troops,
Truth for Tibet? How about disinformation, spin, and marketing "hype"?

Do you ever wonder why it is that "white boys and gals" seem to be running ahead of their Tibetan minions and gungadins from the exile Tibetan community ? That white Westerners from "TEAM TIBET-SHANGRI-LA" protesters seem to be the most vocal and strident, and hog the Western news media limelight? Look no further than New York Manhattan's urban gentry in Tribeca, and the chic activists of Greens, suffused by "the White Man's Buden," if not, by the Jewish mantra of "Tikkun Olam."

Good grief, we have a new white girl who has taken on the cudgels for TEAM TIBET-SHANGRI-LA, the daughter of the late New York Senator, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, liberal senator known for her Europocentric world view and advocate for the Europeanized World, where white folks, suffused with the "White Man's Burden" are out there batting for human rights and rattling against snakes, demons, and "the yellow horde."

And she is younger than 64-year old Mia Farrow, the aging Hollywood celebrity bashing American multinational companies for doing business with the "devilist" Chinese.

Click on Maura Moynihan, the new "Pearl Buck" loaded with "The White Woman's Burden" out to rescue the poor Tibetan monks, with her new "Poster Boy" in safrron robe, Palden Gyatzo, "The Harry Wu" of Tibet.

And she is using her "new boy" as prop to try to peddle her new documentary in the Cause of her "poor" wards, "Fire Under Snow," the narrative of those oppressed Tibetan souls, being beaten up by Nepalese police in Dharsamsala.

Just look at the background footage of the video below, and see how ABC News spun the story of Tibetan protesters being beaten in Nepal, by Nepalese police, misreporting that these protests were in Llasa, Tibet ! Disinformation galore !

Good grief, have you noticed that Ms. Moynihan is running ahead of the race? Doing all the talking and screaming "Bloody Coca-Cola" and "Boycott McDonald's ?

Holy Moo Goo Gai Pen, talk about a white lady coming unglued ! Please, Maura, "Don't choke on your eggroll"

" Incidentally, aren't you doing mostof the talking instead of your saffron-robed Tibetan monk?" There is no problem with your trying to peddle your film, and sell your "snake oil pitch" with the urban gentry of Manhattan at Tribeca with their "chi-chi" activism.

Visit her website, entitled "Truth for Tibet," more like "Untruth for Tibet." Her father, at least, was more erudite and although Europocentric, was a smart white intellectual and thinker.