Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Jia You 加油 ! Reaching for the "Impossible Dream" - a Successful Beijing Olympics 08/08/08, against all odds, despite adversity

How much more powerful can you move the spirits than through the power of song, especially from a Filipino youngster, who can sing. A proud fellow Asian who can use the power of song to move people.

Spatium Trientis is mesmerized by the powerful voices of our Filipino singers, especially in this very timely and poignant song, "The Impossible Dream," to cheer all the peoples of China to jia you ! 加油 jia you ! 加油 jia you 加油 !

Don't let natural calamities drag China and its spirits down. In times like this, cool down, and let some good music soothe the pain.

Listen to a Filipino teenage male singer, Jed Madala, cheer all of us up with his "Impossible Dream" sung with passion and commitment:

And listen again to Charise Pempengco, the Filipina Singer with a powerful voice, singing "You Will Never Walk Alone" dedicated to the victims of the Myanmar and the Sichuan Eearthquake:


Take a break.