Friday, August 22, 2008

Exec Veep of Beijing Olympics Organizing Committee slams media bias

I smell rats from the contingent of saboteurs and agent provocateurs who have penetrated these Olympics Games in Beijing... hell-bent on creating havoc, sabotaging, and derailing China's hosting of these Games.

Consider what the Executive Vice-President of the Beijing Olympics Organizing Committee said about these rascals in the news media:,organizing-committee-executive-vice-president-slams-media.html

There is no question that these schemers, rascals, and scoundrels from the Western press are motivated by racism, white supremacy, and a blind rage to hector, diss, and insult China and the Chinese people, and spite them by any and all means at their arsenal.

And they are shielding themselves with a veneer called "press freedom" and America's so-called constitutionally-protected First Amendment rights of free speech, political speech, and right of protest.

Granted the U.S. Constitution grants any American or inhabitant in Amerika the constitutional right "to be stupid," "to be arrogant" "to be surly" "to be boorish" within their own soil, in their own country, by their own warped set of values..... fact is China is not the USA; nor is it England; and definitely they are no France or Germany.

So what is the "beef" ? Dude ?

If you visit our home, respect our rules, and abide by our standards and values. Be respectful. Be civil. And don't behave like "jerks."

Western news jerks indeed these so-called "rats" and "pit bulls" from the Western news media, including some of these from so-called prestigeous news organizations we call the New York Times, the Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, CNN, ABC etc.

Those of us Chinese who straddle East and West that the Western mainstream news media doesn't practice what it preaches. A free press is only available for white people, not minorities in their midst.

And the New York Times is one illustration of this chutzpah. Somewhere within that organization, there exists an arrogant white ole man who seems to have a rage within him about China and the Chinese people. He can't see through his racist prejudices and he can't get beyond his high white horse in screaming bloody Mary about China's human rights records, Darfur, Myammar, June 4th Tiananmen, and yes, their favorite icon, the bald-headed "wolf in safron robe," the political monk, His Holiness, the Dolly, aka Dalai Lama.

This liberal "jerk" from within the New York Times is pressing all the levers to bash, to demonize, and to demogogue these Olympics Games, by any and all means necessary and as needed to derail its success. This fart is seething with rage from within his office in the New York Times offices when he sees that the "stink bombs" and mud that the New York Times has been flinging all through these past six months have not hit their targets, but have backfired.

The earth is now flat; and according to their celebrity columnist, Thomas Friedman, Chindia, i.e. China and India have to be reckoned with. And the New York Times and their aging good ole white boys simply can't stand it anymore !

So be it, shitheads. The train has left the station in the new changing brave new world of globalization.

Thanks to the internet, multimedia, and the alternative resources out there for news pespectives of news reporting, news gathering, and news analysis.

That said, I have to lend my kudos to unequivocally state that not all, and I say this qualifiedly, that not all within the Western news media are jerks, pit bulls, rats, rascals, scoundrels, and white supremacists.

There are indeed some very zealous and open-minded professionals. And I have been noticing it, as have any global Chinese, including many savvy Chinese inside China.

In particular, distinguishing themselves with their openness and sensitivity in these Olympics Games coverage, from the Western news media, have been the entire cast and crew of NBC's Today Show.

Hosts Meredith Viera, Matt Lauer, Ann Curry, and especially Al Roker have been exemplary and went out of their cultural blinders to really feel, be sensitized, report on, and understand Beijing, the nuances, the substance and values of the Chinese and its complex society.

And they have reported and shed light in NBC's Today morning show some fascinating glimpses about China and the Chinese people, and how the laobaixing live their lives in China.

When more than 85% of the Chinese people support their government and overwhelmingly tell Pew Research and their pollsters that they are satisfied with China's direction, it says something about the sentiments of the Chinese people.

Do you think the New York Times see this ? Do you think those good ole white boys have the decency to tamp down their bigotry, their CB, and their CD ?

Hell, No. Bastards. Rats. Pit Bulls. +#$@&*

Big Deal. Let the Games Continue.

And London and the Brits.... be forewarned. 2012 can and will be payback time if your Prime Minister Gordon Brown tries to grandstand and throw a "stink bomb" during the closing ceremonies.

We ethnic Chinese globally will always remember. And we will fight back, by our own way, in our own time, by our own methods, as deemed necessary and applicable.

Be admonished. Be Gwei. And be on your best behavior, Brits.

London is next.