Monday, August 18, 2008

Euros and white Americans ran out of excuses and pretexts to disclaim Chinese Athletes' Gold Rush during these Olympics Games !

It is historical deja vue a la 1849 with El Dorado and the discovery of gold in California.

The Gold rush is on; and the surge of Chinese gold-miners converging to California more than 160 years ago is today replicated in Beijing during these Olympics Games in the sports arena. Then as now, the stoking of the "Chinaman lynching" is being plotted, scripted, stoked, dramatised, and amplified by the racist Western Anglo news media, sadly and pathetically demonstrated by the so-called free press of Amerika, i.e. the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, the SF Chronicle, and a slew of these white supremacist flacks.

Then, as now, the white racists and white supremacists were livid and jealous against Chinese inroads made in the rush for Gold. Mining those veins of gold provokes rage and jealousy, and white people can't stand losing and fierce competition from the yellow folks.

Just look at what and how the Boston Globe spun the story about China's Gold Rush during these Beijing Olympics games; click on the link below:

Yahoo's gold medal count at this time places China way ahead in the Gold medal chase; and the Euros and whites can't stand it !

What they can't accomplish in the gyms and the arena, in the actual sports competition, they are now attempting to derail, sabotage, carp, pile on, and derail the successes of China and the Chinese peoples during these Olympics Games.

Let 'em spit their venom.... let 'em attack like rabid "pit bulls."

And let me put things in perspective from Spatium Trientis.

After splurging US$ 20 billion in physical infrastructures to spruce up Beijing, after mobilizing over 500,000 volunteers from China's laobaixing who worked their hearts and asses out to coalesce around these games, to make Beijing a user-friendly place, after all of these..... there is without a doubt much goodwill and good feelings generated in these games outside of the Western world. And outside of the former and diminished European empire, and North America, especially with white people, the overwhelming sentiment has been that these Olympics games have been fabulously organized, managed, and presented.

And white people can carp all they want from Europe, the U.S., and Australasia.

It won't take away the truths about the pathetic decline of the West and their once dominant hegemony over the rest of the non-Euro world.

Time has changed. And the door has been cracked open.

And kudos to the Jamaican lightning sprinters, both males and females, who have shown the U.S. and Europeans that in the field of the 100-metre dash, it is no longer just America's game.

Here I am, perched in California, the world's supposedly sixth largest economy, and once a great state in the global landscape.

California can't even get their government to function, and its inhabitants are being held hostage in a political meltdown, with a fiscal budget shortfall of at least US$ 17 billion and counting.

Johnny and Jane can't read, write, nor do basic arithmetic. The city of Vallejo, California, has declared bankruptcy, an unprecedented act by a municipality which can't pay their gouging cops and firemen fleecing the city treasury with overtime and fat paychecks.

California's public schools are in shambles; its roadways are in an awful state of disrepair, and local streets in a city like San Francisco is full of potholes which harken to those of a third world country and a fifth rate city. Across the Bay in San Francisco, the city of Oakland is the capital of homicides, with a criminal epidemic of armed robberies which has scared the wits out of stores and restaurant establishments, making Oakland virtually a ghost town when night falls.

This is Amerika, the greatest democracy on earth, stoking China to emulate and follow its path of liberalism and participatory democracy. Good grief.

And at this time, Americans are complaining about the air and the officiating in these Beijing Olympics Games. And they are livid that beyond Michael Phelps, they have a sparcity of "Great White Hopes." What they can't stand outside of the magnificent feats of the fish performing at the Cube, they have to stoke China bashing and demonization, in a maniacal obsessive pursuit to bad-mouth and insult China, trying to pick up a fight. Trash. Rubbish. La-Sha !

Gimme a break, dude.

And to hell with the New York Times, which has stooped so low that I have lost any and all respect for the impartiality and professional staff. It is so biased that you have to read between the lines, as many Chinese used to do reading the Chinese press during the early days of communism in China.

A free but recklessly irresponsible Anglo-American press. A racist press. And a bigoted, narrow-minded press.

Thank goodness there is the internet and alternative news media resources enabling us non-whites to access the news without these racist, biased filters. These old and tired media gatekeepers are losing their dominance in this new age of globalization.

And the sooner they fade away and lose their dominance, the better it is for the rest of the world, especially the non-Euro and white mans's world.