Monday, August 25, 2008

All that piling and carping from the Western News Media ratpacks - a sampling; London 2012 can't fit Beijing's jockstraps - LOL, Brits !

The Brits are in a surly mood these days.

From the way British governance is going, fast becoming an economic "basket case," rumor are swirling in the British media as to whether or not British premier Harold Brown will be around come Christmas.

Last night, from that 8-minute spot of Britannia show put on at the Bird's Nest in Beijing, to close off and transition the Beijing Olympics games on to London in 2012, it is clear that the Brits are getting fidgety, ainsy, listless, and most of all, feeling that they can't fit the jocks of Beijing four years from now.

The Brits know it; the West knows it; and most of all the Western news media know it.

But given that they can't get their mud to stick at any part of the Great Wall of China, and their management of these Olympics Games; and given that they know they don't have the ability to mobilize its people, and pour the kinds of resources into mounting the next Olympics Games in London, The Brits, their Western news media white supremacist Numenklatura and their media rat packs are understating the next London Olympics Games in 2012.

Folks.... we Chinese are no longer ninnies when it comes to reading the biased and racist Western news media. We know where they are in terms of their narrow-minded blinders. And we know the nuances of their reporting. Like the good ole days of the People's Daily, we have learned how to read behind the page, between the lines, and look at their massage of the news media, including BBC, with a jaundiced eye.

Consider a sampling of how some of the Western news media pit bulls are opining and spinning these last Olympics Games in Beijing, as gleaned by the link: