Friday, August 15, 2008

"The Great White Hope" of these Beijing Olympics Games - how the biased White Supremacist Western News Media reports the Beijing Olympics

I have been an astute spectator watching these Beijing Olympics Games from my perch and with my third eye in my third space perspective as an ethnic Chinese overseas living the West.

Let's call a crow a crow. And I will not mince my words with NBC, or the rest of those rabid "pit bulls" from the mainstream Anglo-Western news media relentlessly dogging these games and amplifying their Sinophobic China bashing and Chinese demonization.

This lynching from the Western press is becoming obsessive-fanatical to the point that I will soon be calling for a doctor from the Green in the Olympics site to prescribe Prozac to these depressed and frustrated reporters from the West at the media center, eager to hit a bulls-eye. They are livid because they can't stage, choreograph, amplify, and direct the pre-ordained their prescrived script that they were supposed undertake, produce, stage dramatize, publicize, and amplify.

China bashing and demonization have become a lost cause. Try as the Tibetan-Shangri-la mau-mau did, they are landing duds, with or without the Western news media tagging along behind acting as shills and amplifiers.

As a result, they are calling the International Olympics Committee and the Beijing Olympics Coordinating Committee media coordinating spokespeople on the carpet for their ludricruous and hollow claims of "press infringement" or freedom of the press.

What a crock of shit !

Let's put things in perspectives.

There is no question that China and the Olympics Coordinating Committee charged with organizing, coordinating, and mobilizing for these games that rules have been prescribed as to public protests on issues such as "Tibet-Shangri-la," "Darfur" "Myanmar" "human rights" (sic), and a slew of grievances that the West has been maniacally obsessed with and carping against China and its government.

We also know that the Dalai Lama cannot curb nor control his own back flanks, particularly with respect to his highly-westernized India-born and North America-Europe-born Tibetan youths, who are culturally so confused that they can't figure out whether they are Western or Tibetan.

These youths are fundamentally doing their Western-style "mau-mau" to bad-mouth, publicize, grand-stand, and amplify their supposedly righteous cause in the name of free speech and independence, even to the point of climbing the roof of the Chinese Consulate in San Francisco and unfurling a "Free Tibet" from the roof of the consulate, on Chinese sovereign territory, in a reckless, defiant, and downright unlawful manner.

In any other than a Chinese consulate, and if this were an American consulate or in U.S. territory, that rabid Tibetan protester caught at the rooftop of a foreign consulate such as that of the U.S. would have been shot and disposed of by the guards. Just try breaching the U.S. consulates and diplomatic outposts abroad and see what the U.S. marine guards would do. They would not be so magnanimous and kind towards this reckless Tibetan youth protester.

That said, it is clear that at these Olympics Games, there is a deep resentment emanating from the Western news media, in organizations such as the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and a slew of these so-called free press, which are engaged in a "hot war" to derail, sabotage, bad-mouth, hector, mau-mau, broadside, and demonize these Olympics Games in Beijing.

China-bashing is the motivation. And this blind rage is being written, scripted, dramatized, directed, choreographed and produced by these "so-called" journalists from these media organizations.

Let the Brits be Brits.... the usual chicanery, duplicity, and machinations seen in the "Black Hands" during the turnover of their Hong Kong colony back to China in 1997. Look to the Germans with their maniacal obssession to split Tibet from China. Look to the Americans using their enormous stranglehold and domination of the Anglophone news media to distort, machinate, and staged their China bashing and Chinese demonization.

At least, good ole Ruppy Murdoch and his World Media behemoth, News Corporation, is not shy about calling it for what it is..... white supremacist game to burnish, promote, publicize, high-light, emphasize these games with their "Great White Hope." Their Greek God, so to speak.

Voila. Here comes Michael Phelps. The Swimmer with fins for his extensions, and perhaps on steroids ? (If a Chinese swimmer wins, they alleges dope; if a white swimmer wins, they attribute it to skills; come on White Dudes, be fair ).

Here's what one of Ruppy's news media, the New York Post, reports on Michael Phelphs, and how he may have saved NBC in the ratings games for profits.

Did I not last hear that these games are about world athletes, but not just white athletes ?

Click on this facade and masquerade of the White Supremacist from the West, including those in their rotten, biased media :