Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Look Who's Talking ? The "Pit Bulls" of the Western News Media spinning their China and Chinese Demonization put-down and piling campaign ! Xiao Qi

Thank goodness and Buddha there's the internet, and alternatives to NBC and its exclusivity and monopoly of the Anglophone news media dribbling out, spinning, and manipulating their biased stories about these Olympics Games.

After spending almost US$ 900 million buying the rights to broadcast the Beijing Olympics Games in the Anglophone world, it would be anticipated that at least NBC and those "pit bulls" in the mainstream American news media would seize the opportunity to report the poignant stories and news about these games, as more than just an American Game, through American lenses.

But no. The "backbiting," put-downs, carping, dissing, piling and demonization of any other than American athletes competing in Beijing has been relentless, rude and arrogant, and worse, vicious.

Former Singaporean Ambassador to the UN Kishore Mahbubani said:"China is a closed society with an open mind. America is an open society with a closed mind."

Talk about a "close-minded" U.S. mainstream news media and its small-mindedness. (Xiao Qi).

It is China bashing and demonization exemplar. Magnifique ! A true Hollywood machination with white supremacy and bullying rearing their ugly heads time and time again.

First, the story got spun that the fireworks at the opening ceremonies were embellished and technically-tampered with by NBC covering the opening ceremonies.

Next the white supremacist and racist New York Times had the chutzpah to sensationalize and dramatize that the young girl who sang at the opening ceremonies was actually "lip-synching" and the real voice was that of another girl who was excised because she does not possess of the telegenic qualities needed for the image to bolster China's image during the opening ceremonies.

So what's new with this Milli Vanilli "lip-sync" scandal ? Hasn't Hollywood and many of America's sporting events been similarly "lip-synced" by the likes of Celine Dion or Britney Spears ?

Talk about "xiao qi" or as Americans call it, "sour grapes."

The latest hoo-hah now from these Western and American pit-bulls of the news media has now focused on the age of China's champion female gymnasts. The specious allegations are now directed at their age, i.e. under 16. This carping goes beyond this ludricuous issue..... the next charge to avoid 'fessing to an embarassing loss by America's much vaunted female gymnastic team is again rifled and misdirected at alleged Gynasium officials who was accused of distracting or sabotaging the American female gymnasts by delaying their games and keeping them too long on the sidelines, thereby breaking or sabotaging their focus.

Talk about "sour grapes," lousy losers, lack of civil grace, or what we good ole Americans call "chutzpah," hubris, and plain good ole arrogance.

Americans can never concede that they are # 1. They will always insist that they are "Numero Uno." The center of attention. The center of the world stage.

Consider that in Beijing these days, thousands and thousands of athletes, honed on their athletic skills and training, from over 150 countries, have congregated in China for these Beijing Olympics Games.

Guess what ? From the looks of things, if NBC Sports is the only filter by which the Beijing Olympics Games are being reported, one would think and falsely conclude that these are "America's Games." Not a World Olympics Games.

And here, American news media and their rabid "pit bulls" are piling on the Chinese peoples for being "ultranationalistic," chauvinistic, and ethnocentric.

Look who's talking ? And guess what ? The American male soccer team can't even make first round and booted out of competition by Nigeria. And the world's most watched sports, soccer, is conveniently omitted by NBC.

If NBC's spin is to be believed, you would think that these Olympics Games are all about one Michael Spitz breaking swimming records in these Games. And nobody else matters.

Hubris. White supremacy galore. American chutzpah. Hollywood garbage.

The playing field is leveling out, folks.

Consider that in the medal count, China has superceded the U.S. in Gold.

And consider that South Korea, in East Asia, has demonstrated convincingly that Koreans have become powerful athletes winning audaciously, including winning against America's baseball team at its first opening game.... America's favorite pasttime now no longer just dominated by American players.

Eat your heart out Dude !

What did NBC do in order to further spin their white supremacist tilt, where they can't find any white athletes winning in the competition.

They are switching to beach volleyball where white athletes are taking a cake walk in a sports where hardly any country other than Euros care much about.

And guess what ? They put the gymnastics competition between the U.S. and China out of prime-time, knowing that these games are not their games.

Hypocrites. Xiao-Qi. Sour Grapes.

Let's call a spade a spade, Dude.