Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Dalai Lama miscalculated and his Free Tibet-Shangri-la "Mau Mau" backfired; he is now spent and in "no man's land"

The trouble with Dolly, the alleged "Holy Man" in safrron monk's robe, is that he completely misread, miscalculted, and misplaced his trust and confidence upon his Western masters, and ended up getting absolutely nothing after these Olympics Games.

Absolutely nothing except some faded memories of "grandstanding," "mau-mau" banners, and some videotapes of the orchestrated "China bashing" and "Chinese Demonization" directed by the biased Western news media who are his patrons and financiers.

Worse, the Dolly's broken reputation, in the eyes of all China and the Chinese peoples, as a "wolf camouflaged in sheep's clothing," as a man who speak from "both sides" of his mouth, as a man who talks the "A" word, while doing the "I" word has now stuck among 1/5 of humanity.

You can't have it both ways, your Holiness. And compounding the problem is the maniacal lunatic quest for a "God-King" iconic theocracy which these "Shangri-la" white boys and girls from the West are trying to pursue to escape the spiritual vapidness of their own Western existence. OK. But to take over Gansu, Qinghai, Szechuan provinces... almost 1/3 of China's landmass in the name of a "Shangri-la theocracy"? You must be kidding, dude.

On the one hand, the Dolly mouthed platitudes about supporting the Beijing Olympics Games, then turned around and publicly joining the Western's conspiracy to diss, insult and boycott these Beijing Olympics... by his high-profile visits to the West to amplify his cause for the "I" campaign instead of "A", he has lost any credibility and wasted the opportunity or room to engage China's authorities in peaceful dialogue. To boot, those young Tibetans, i.e. "whites trapped in Tibetan bodies" from the Students for a Free Tibet, have shown and demonstrated that they are racist against the Chinese and worse, alligned with the Western bashers, demonizers, and bigots. You don't interlope into a sovereign nation's embassy or consulate and expect to be treated gingerly. No Sovereign country and its government will tolerate this insult.

The Chinese peoples saw through this duplicity, doublespeak, and chicanery. End result, you have caused more mistrust, and skepticism that you are a man of your words, and worse, that you can't control the lunatic "hotheads," white wannabes who are behind all the "Free Tibet-Shangrila" mau mau during these Games.

Let's face it : many of the Tibetan youths, born and raised outside of Tibet, are faux Tibetans.... more Western than Asian. They are no more Tibetan than those Hollywood "yellow faces" used by American filmmakers as backdrops and 2nd and 3rd minions for their white masters in the continuing narrative of Virtual Tibet !

Be it as it may, it is very clear that the lunatic white boys and girls behind Team Tibet-Shangrila who have relentlessly spearheaded this "bad-mouth" insulting and denigrating bash China and demonize Chinese campaign have lost the masses of Chinese laobaixing by their racist, insulting, confrontational campaign.

They are seen as being crude, vulgar, ignorant, and worse, lacking in civility and reciprocity that the substance of the Tibetan grievances have become lost in the din of "mau mau" grandstanding.

It backfired. And China and its peoples will never forgive the Dalai Lama and his Western bashers and demonizers behind this attempted and failed derailment of the Beijing Olympics Games.

The Dalai Lama gambled with the West; and lost big-time.

Read below some very perceptive opinions from London about the China Bashing from the Team Tibet-Shangrila loonies:

Brendan O'Neill's Challenging China Bashing (Click onto Mr. O Neill's blogs from London:


