Friday, August 22, 2008

"Double Standard" U.S. Pol insists right for political speech and rabble-rousing in Beijing, but denies same in the U.S. Congress by a GOP legislator

Madame Speaker Nancy Pelosi.... where's the logic of your human rights advocacy and the insistence on political free speech by your "mau mau" Team Tibet-Shangri-la protesters clamoring to unfurl banners and scale and interlope upon Chinese consulate roofs in the name of "free speech" and First Amendment rights of protest ?

Here we go ... it is "kosher" for mau-mau Tibetan tribalists to grandstand in Beijing in the name of "free speech" and "human rights" but it is not kosher for a U.S. congressman from the GOP representing North Carolina to post a memorial board outside of his congressional office hallway in memory of the U.S. soldiers in Camp Lejeune who have been killed in Iraq !

Why the difference in treatment accorded the "mau mau" grandstanders from Team Tibet-Shangrila relative to the congressman from North Carolina both asserting their right for political "free speech" ?

As native-Americans have always said of the white man, "White man (woman) speaks with a "forked" tongue !

Isn't this absurd ? Why the CB and CD ? Read post below: