Thursday, August 7, 2008

"Utterly Ignorant or Ideological" --- Western "China Bashers" Mau Mau and Relentlessly Pursue a "Bad-Mouthing" campaign to derail the Beijing Olympics

Fareed Zakaria, editor of Newsweek International edition, wrote the following commentary for Newsweek about the woefully ignorant "China Bashers" from the West, especially Americans, many of whom have not even been to China and are rabid racists and ideological in their fanatic pursuit and "dogging" of China during the Beijing Olympics Games.

I say," Get over it, Dude !" Let the Games begin, despite of, inspite of, and notwithstanding all this bad-mouthing, boorish, vulgar, and uncivilized hooliganism and "mau mau" behavior.

Click on Zakaria's piece from Newsweek: