Tuesday, April 21, 2009

What Jackie Chan really meant at his Boao forum speech at Hainan Island- "Social Order' or harmony trumps "luan" or CHAOS !

Times are rough and tough.

These are not just perilous times fraught with joblessness, business collaspses, bankruptcies, family break-ups and disintegration, social meltdowns, rising predatory crime.

All across the globe... the "tsunami" forces unleased from the collaspe of Wall Street and Canary Wharf have wacked, walloped, and reverberated across the globe, and impacted the Asia-Pacific region, severely stressing societies in the whole region.

At a Boao business forum held last week in Hainan Island, Jackie Chan, the 55-year Kung-Fu actor, was quoted as saying :"I'm not sure if it's good to have freedom or not," He further said "I'm gradually beginning to feel that we Chinese need to be controlled. If we're not being controlled, we'll just do what we want."

He went on to say that freedoms in Hong Kong and Taiwan made those societies "chaotic."

His quoted remarks, placed out of context, immediately drew many rebukes from fellow ethnic Chinese outside of Mainland China, primarily in HKG and TAIWAN.

He was roundly chastised and castigated. And one of the rebuked was attributed to HKG serial protester, i.e. hippie HKG legislator Leung Kwok Hung.

"He's insulted the Chinese people. Chinese people aren't pets," the Hong Kong pro-democracy legislator Leung Kwok-hung told The Associated Press. "Chinese society needs a democratic system to protect human rights and rule of law."

Another lawmaker, Albert Ho, another one of those HKG "Western Moon is rounder" worshippers, called Jackie Chan's comments "racist," adding: "People around the world are running their own countries. Why can't Chinese do the same?"

Conceptually, in a vacuum, these critiques sounded well-reasoned; but when you place these criticisms in context, given the size, population, culture of China and the Chinese people, at this juncture of China's renewal and resurgence, one can understand that the Western notion of participatory democracy, nor its much vaunted Rule of Law, in truth, are hollow and very misplaced.

The Chinese people, given this stage of its development, should opt for social harmony, social order, over chaos, or "luan."

It is not just plain "common sense;" but it is also the way away from the crass, vulgar, chaotic model we are seeing implode before our very eyes here in the United States of America.

Here... there are too much freedoms, little social or personal responsibility.

Here... it is a "dumbed down" society where the victimizers are guaranteed unbriddled "civil liberties," "human rights;" while their victims are traumatised and abandoned to fend for themselves.

The notion of so-called "due process" or Rule of Law is tilted in favor of the aggressor over the aggrieved victim.

No wonder America today is broken, and unraveling from within.

Drugs and alcohol abuse have become pandemic; social predatory behavior has ruined the social fabric of what used to be an orderly society.

The social compact has unraveled by an environment where criminals, drug lords, con-artists, thieves, looters, plunderers, corrupt officials reign; and where law-abiding ordinary folks are left unprotected, and to fend for themselves.

This is not the kind of democracy that the Chinese people need to emulate nor pattern their social fabric in Chinese society.

Consider one illustration, involving that lone Somali pirate caught in the Horn of Africa by a U.S. Navy ship, after he and three of his fellow pirates tried to comandeer and hold for ransom the US merchant marine ship, the Maersk Alabama.

After all the rigmarole at the coast of East Africa, this darn pirate is being flown into New York City, to face trial before an American court... with American taxpayers paying all the bills for legal defense, show-case trial, and all the concommittant wasteful spending needed to provide a veneer of the "Rule of Law" in this clear-cut case of sea piracy.




Follow China's way ! Be practical.

Death sentence by firing squad. Fast, expeditious and certain justice. The scums of the earth needed to be expunged.

And here, our "honorary whites" and "Western Moon is rounder" ethnic Chinese, i.e. of the ilk of "serial protester" Leung Kwok Hung, are lambasting Jackie Chan for good ole basic common sense.

The Chinese has to unlearn and wean themselves away from some of the dumb ideas from the WEST... especially on its false, naive, dumb notion of Western "participatory democracy."

Jackie Chan is right..... social harmony trumps "luan" and chaos. Democracy, Western-style, is not suitable for China. And it will only magnify many-fold the colossal mess and chaos which have impacted the U.S.A. these days, and brought down this nation.