Friday, April 17, 2009

Western "Gweillo" Green Hype is Hollow and Superficial - What does "Eco-friendly" really mean ?

These days, I can't go to the toilet without being carped and being hyped by the mainstream Western news media about joining the "Green Revolution" and reducing my "carbon footprint" in everything I do, from flushing the toilet, to driving "eco-friendly" car, or taking the bike to work, or simply put, just walk like our good ole ancestors, the "homo sapien."

But the incessant drumbeat of "going Green" and "going Organic" being scripted, staged, and amplified here in the West, among the "Greenies" and the commercial opportunists riding on the positive vibes of "Green"ness and "Organic"ness is beginning to grate and annoy me.

Gimme a break, you'all white gweillo dudes.

Today, while America's second biggest shopping mall operator, General Growth Properties, with over 200 shopping malls scattered throughout the U.S., filed Chapter 13 bankruptcy, for the collaspe of retailing and implosion within U.S. consumers.... distressed and overloaded with debt..... and while American youths are snorting cocaine up their noses, smoking dope, and abusing alcohol..... creating a colossal mess in Mexico, its Southern neighbor, coping with a drug cartel primarily supplying the gweillo addicts in El Norte, up north across the U.S.-Mexican borders..... here we are having to listen to all this "Green Hype" from U.S. Greenies.

This is fast becoming a redundant faddish overkill. Hip, hyped-up, full of b.s. signifying nothing.

Lately, the new mantra is being "eco-friendly;" becoming "green;" or minimalizing "one's carbon footprint." It has become the hip thing to do, and even in LA LA land in Southern California, with their fashionistas and Hollywood celebrities living on grand mansions in their opulent lavish lifestyle of hyperconsumerism in Beverly Hills are jumping onto the badwagon on this new chic.,0,6451413.story

Another one of those silly, non-sensical gweillo marketing razzle-dazzle.... like selling a GM American car, with all the bells and whistles, except that the engine does not work or the car can' run. Packaging more than substance.

Incidentally, I just received a Travelocity news blip in my e-mail advertising and promoting a list of so-called "Eco-Friendly" hotels in their list of gweillo-run hyped up hotels.,,TRAVELOCITY%7C5357%7Cmkt_main,00.html

Hip Green Hotel ? Eco-Friendly ? Mimimal carbon-footprint ?

What kind of bullshit is this ?

I thought simplicity still matters..... why not check into one of those "no frills" hotel owned and operated by Chinese hoteliers, without the hype and the marketing "packages" stamped with high-fallutin words like "Green," "Eco-Friendly" or "Organic."

What ever happened to good ole "common sense" in the WEST ?

Gweillo dumb. Gweillo angst. Gweillo hype.

All razzle-dazzle... no substance.