Saturday, April 18, 2009

Movie action star Jackie Chan weighs in on democracy and why it does not fit the Chinese people

Jackie Chan may not be an erudite speaker nor deep thinker; nor may he be articulate in politics... who can really express himself cogently, intelligently or adroiyly. .

But he has a sense of what works for the Chinese people; and what does not work.

And he has had experienced America and Hollywood and how things work in Tinseltown.

That this martial arts entertainer has returned to his roots, as did Jet Li, speaks volumes about his love for China and Chinese culture, unlike the many "honorary whites" that we have among many Chinese artists and actors/actresses who can't wait to disassociate, disidentify, and escape from their roots.

At the BoAo Forum now being convened in Hainan Island, attended by many Chinese business leaders, Jackie Chan was candid in his observation at a forum held to discuss "Tapping into Asia's Creative Industry Potential."

To get the gist of what Jackie Chan was trying to say, it is that he is not sure that the Chinese people are ready for Western-style democracy... with all the "luan" and cacophonous "in your face" confrontational politics and posturings.

Read what he said:

In response, the lunatic "mau mau" protest activists in HKG and Taiwan overreacted. e.g. Leung "long hair" Kwok Hung, the Hong Kong "hippie" known for his publicity stunts and serial "mau mau" protests: