Monday, April 27, 2009

The "Cult of the Dalai Lama" warps the Western-European view and distorts their view about Tibet,their mythical spiritual non-existent "Shangri-la."

The "cult of the Dolly" is intensifying in the WEST.

In these trying tough times when civil society is unraveling in Europe, the United Kingdom and in the United States of America, the spiritual vapidness and emptiness of white European people, faced with a bleak dire economic future, the financial collaspe of Wall Street and Canary Wharf, American and Europeans are gasping for some air, succor, and some upliftment from their politically putrid society in dire economic times of high-stress.

The cult of the Dolly," exuding that faraway land of Nirvana, of spiritual upliftment and levitation, of the "Swami" who can bring relief, like Rollaids and those hemmorhoid tablets, has become the mantra for many white people from America and Europe. And many are naive but obsessed with Oriental mysticism and spirituality.

The bald man in saffron rope fits that stereotype of a "spiritual demi-God" and "Superhuman." And those "lame-brained" Hollywood moguls, hooked on dope, in their white supremacist ignorance, provide top billing to that Holy Man and keep spinning this "snake oil" pitch about the mythical, non-existent "Shangri-la." The imagery is spun along this naivite ..... The Messiah or the spiritual monk who can uplift the Westerners from their abject life of vulgarity, vacuousness, vapid spirituality in a political putrid environment. In horrifically bad times, this fanatical worship becomes a "cult."

Just look at some of the spin evident in the latest news media in American media scripting, spinning, and shaping their story of the Dolly.

The "cult of the Dolly" defies logic. And for us Asians.... it just points to the dumb insularity, and racialistic naivite of many whites living in the WEST, especially Europe, America, Canada, Australia. Only on the issue of the Dolly, this racism is a maniacal, obsessive blind worship of a bald man whose feet are to be smelled... never mind that the Dolly is a glutton whose gall bladder was recently removed because of a high-fat diet on high-choleterol meat.

And here our MAN from Dharamsala is proclaiming a life of poverty, asceticism, and spirituality which the White Man absolutely adores and blindly worships. Never mind that high-fat diet and the gall bladder operation. Let's be blunt.... our monk from Dharamsala is not "homeless" but living "high" off of CIA subsidies and peddling "snake oil" to a putrid WEST.

In turn, those who are critical of the Lamas and their feudal history are attacked; and in that offensive, the Western fanatics behind TEAM TIBET SHANGRI-LA conjure up all those imagery of the yellow horde... those slin-eyed, demons and devils from the Hans, led by Athila the Han, who are torturing their Holly Man, their Moses and his flock.

Rubbish.... fanaticism, like the cults which spring up from time to time here in America... from Hollywood's stereotypical imagery of the spiritual "Swami" to a bald-headed monk who can levitate and mouth "words of wisdom" albeit in broken English and with a strong accent. :-)

But try convincing a blind Dolly worshiper in the WEST that there's hypocrisy in this silly "Cult of the Dolly."

You will be lucky if you don't get crucified and get nailed to the cross of American hysterical public opinion. For being a heretic. For promoting heresay.

Dumb society. Dumb politics. A society of ignoramuses, thieves, scoundrels, and cultural philistines.

Welcome to Amerika... an increadingly "dumbed-down society" and a politically and culturally putrid environment. It shows in publications like the New York Times with their "China bashers" working within that news organization.

And here the Americans are accusing China of having a "closed society."

Incidentally, didn't the Chinese go through their own "Cult of Mao Zedong" in its recent contemporary history.

Instead of the "Red Guards," just change the color to "Saffron." They are one and the same except as to choice of colours.

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