Friday, April 17, 2009

China - Friend or Foe ? Here's how a Wall Street Journal report reads it

Using China's emerging power as an economic power, plus its modernizing military, the People's Liberation Army (PLA), as a "bogeyman" has been a favorite pasttime for many Western news pundits.

Among the Western news media ratpacks, there are more hawks than doves... more bashers than engagers when it comes to China.

Here's another one of those news piece that is being dribbled out.... this one by the Wall Street Journal, captioned, "China --- Friend or Foe ?":

Imagine what it would be like if a Chinese Navy surveillance ship cruises near the California coast and from Baja California started to snoop around the naval base in San Diego, and monitor the U.S. military activities in the U.S. coastline. This in addition to satellite snooping which is now routine in U.S. Intelligence gathering all around the globe.

Isn't there some "double standards" going on here ? And China is considered expansionist and militarily ambitious ?

Look who's talking, Dude ?