Wednesday, April 1, 2009

"China is Unhappy" - Why the East is East; and the West is Putrid

At a time when the U.S., Great Britain, Europe reel from a financial meltdown which has spread and brought about economic torment to the rest of the world, in the non-West, leaders from the G-20 are meeting in London this week to attempt to stabilize the global financial system.

The mess in the streets of London is gargantuan. The gweillos are going berserk. Tough times make people desperate.

Against this backdrop, the non-West, led first by Russian president Medvedev, are now clamoring for a new global financial architecture, de-linked from the U.S.-dominated and denominated greebuck, i.e. the dollar. Why not after all the greed and looting happening at the Western financial institutions in London and New York ?

President Lula of Brazil bluntly laid it upon the white folks for causing the latest global economic-financial meltdown and the misery; the French and Germans are pointing their fingers at the Anglo-Saxons, directing their ire against the Brits in London, and the Americans in Washington and New York City for their fiscal mismanagement, greed, recklessness and rapacity.

Clearly, there is enough blame to go around. But it is the gweillo in the WEST whose hubris, greed, profligacy, and increasing incivility and unraveling of social discipline which have unleashed the mess we see in New York city and in London and Paris, and all across the West. Asia, Latin America, the Middle East became contaminated by this toxic spread.

In China, an emboldened new generation of Chinese and intelligentsia and youths are rethinking through the notion of modernization and China's imperatives in a world of globalization where China's foreign surpluses and reserves are "parked" in U.S. treasury notes, now under siege in America.

Is Western democracy a model for China ? Why should it be even emulated ? Should the Chinese people seek their own path ?

With close to US$ 2 trillion in foreign reserves, the Chinese people deservedly are asking, " why should we park our money in America? Or " Is America a responsible stakeholder ?" "Why should China remain passive and be "pussycats"?"

Thoughts to ponder..... and specially noteworthy is a new book just released and circulating among China's youthful new generation of intelligentsia entitled "China is Unhappy." The book in Chinese is entitled, Zhongguo bu Gaoxing (Unhappy China: The Great Time, Grand Vision and Our Challenges). It is written by the same authors who in 1996 published a high profile book, China Can Say No. Both books are considered ultranationalistic in the West.

In the West, pundits are attacking this book as a surge of Chinese nationalism and jingoism. In their usual maniacal passion to put down the Chinese people, Western critics are waging and orchestrating a media attack in the Anglo-press.

Here's a website from which you can read a little more about this book:

Given the drivel of misinformation, disinformation, and warped China-bashing going on in the West, in particular by the TEAM TIBET Western fanatics,to whom the exile Tibetans are coat-tailing their separatist cause..... these fanatics..... overzealous in their blind worship and halo placed upon their Demigod, the Dolly, i.e. Dalai Lama,are relentlessly embellishing, and scripting their "Nirvana" in Tibet's Shangri-la, the La-La land of mysticism and spiritual heaven.

This naive notion is irreconciliable between the intellegentsia between those in the East and the West. These two mindsets are diametrically contradictory when it comes to the issue of Zizang Province, aka Tibet; because for many Chinese, Xizang, aka Tibet, of the past was a feudal theocratic fiefdom dominated by a ruling class of monks running roughshod over and exploiting the slaves in a theocratic heirarchy of utter oppression monopolized by the Lamas.

The Western "gweillos" are completely close-minded and blindsided by their blind worship of the Dolly. No room to change. The " Cult of the Dolly" is pervasive, pernicious, and prevalent in the WEST.

Faced with the toxic, morally bankrupt, spiritually vapid, materially-greedy environment of their own Western societies, these "gweillos" look at a mystical, mythical Tibet, as their escape, an idyliic destination of "Shangri-la."

Consider the kind of propaganda which are being spade out in buckets, in the form of "Worship the Dalai Lama" or what I described as "The Cult of the Dolly" talks, as demonstrated by a talk being sponsored by the Asia Society of Northern California, called " The Mind and Heart of the Dalai Lama" as follows:

The Mind and Heart of the Dalai Lama:
A Conversation Between Pico Iyer and Paul Ekman
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
For millions of people around the world, His Holiness the Dalai Lama is a symbol of human kindness and wisdom. Is the true nature of the human heart and mind basically good, as Buddhist philosophy suggests, and if so, why do we so often bring suffering to ourselves and others? What can we learn from the Dalai Lama's own path of training and spiritual practice about how we can discover our own kindness and wisdom?
Writer Pico Iyer has known the Dalai Lama for three decades, and his unique insights into the Dalai Lama's character and global role are on display in his most recent book, The Open Road: The Global Journey of the Dalai Lama. Iyer is the author of nine books, including such long-running best-sellers as Video Night in Kathmandu, The Lady and the Monk, and The Global Soul. A prolific journalist and writer for Time since 1982, he is known for his adventures everywhere from North Korea to Easter Island, Ethiopia to Paraguay-while also writing novels about Revolutionary Cuba and mystical Islam.
Psychologist Paul Ekman is a leading researcher on human emotions. His new book, Emotional Awareness: Overcoming the Obstacles to Psychological Balance and Compassion, is a record of his remarkable conversations with the Dalai Lama about science, spirituality, and the nature of the mind. Articles on Dr. Ekman's work have appeared in Time Magazine, Smithsonian Magazine, Psychology Today, The New Yorker, the New York Times, Washington Postand other publications. He has appeared on TV programs including 48 Hours, the News Hour with Jim Lehrer, Dateline, Good Morning America, 20/20, Larry King, and Oprah.
The program will be introduced by Richard Blum, ASNC Board Member and Chairman of Blum Capital Partners, L.P., and moderated by Melvin McLeod, editor-in-chief of the Shambhala Sun and author of Mindful Politics: A Buddhist Guide to Making the World a Better Place.
Co-sponsored by the Shambhala Sun,CIIS, Graduate Theological Union, Greater Good Magazine, Green Apple Books, India Community Center, and the San Francisco Zen Center.
To register please call (415) 392-4400 or online.

With this kind of fanaticism, have you ever wondered why East is East and West is West?

China should be unhappy. Zhingguo bu Gaoxing.