Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Shifting Strategy of PAX AMERICANA

Edward Liu
American Empire and military over-reach overseas have now shifted its resources and strategy away from NATO, Europe, and Russia. Instead the OBAMA DOCTRINE, a resurrection of the John Foster Dulles Cold War strategy once directed to contain Communism, has now shifted to encircle CHINA. The shifting of resources and strategy is being crystalized by reallocating resources away from boots, overseas military bases, and the heavy overload of hardware, arsenals, and equipment. Instead, the use of surrogates, minion, client-states in the Asia-Pacific to do the front-line work to contain China, as a rising power, is now being implemented. Put simply, PAX AMERICANA can no longer afford hugh military budgets and overload.

Panetta: US ground forces would be cut by 100,000
Pentagon leaders outlined a plan Thursday for absorbing $487 billion in defense cuts over the coming decade by shrinking U.S. ground forces, slowing the purchase of a next-generation stealth fighter and retiring older planes and s